ISLAMIC STATE of JERUSALEM ?? ISIS forces now fighting in Gaza

GAZA - ISIS supporters were shot dead in Gaza Tuesday, June 2, in their first firefight with Hamas forces come to arrest them The ' Islamists ' had planted a bomb trap in their hideout. The showdown occurred 48 hours after the Ansar al Dawa al-Islamia, renamed “ Supporters of the Islamic State of Jerusalem,” gave Hamas a 48-hour ultimatum to end its crackdown on the group & release dozens of Islamists held for a series of attacks. Followers of the Islamic State of Iraq & the Levant ( ISIS / ISIL ) were spotted for the first time in the Gaza Strip this week, debkafile’s military sources report.
Their arrival on Israel's border was confirmed as a division-strength IDF force launched its large-scale “ Turning Point 2015 ” exercise for repelling Islamist cross-border incursions. The Islamist group which has established a substantial anti-Hamas presence in the Gaza Strip is Ansar al Dawa al-Islamia, renamed “ Supporters of the Islamic State of Jerusalem.” Israeli , Egyptian & Hamas’ military sources are all concerned to make light of this development. When asked, they say that the group’s nature & scope have not yet been evaluated. Western & Middle East governments took the same tack two years ago, when ISIS first embarked on its calamitous course in Syria. FULL REPORT : Debka File
PROPHECY INSIGHTS - Terror groups of all ' ilks ' are now descending upon God's people , Israel. Reports are emerging the dreaded Islamic State ( ISIS/ISIL ) militants have now infiltrated the Gaza Strip & are actively fighting against the resident terror group , Hamas. As this new sinister threat encroaches upon Israel's borders , we know the day of ' Jacob's Trouble ' is near. Israel is now utterly surrounded by a plethora of murderous terror groups , all looking upon her with evil intent ( fulfilling Psalm 83 ). Whether Islamic State , Hamas , Islamic Jihad , Al-Qaeda or Hezbollah , all are dedicated to & preparing for , the extermination of the Jewish State.
However , bible prophecy is clear. Jerusalem will NEVER be over-run by any of these Islamic terror groups. On the contrary , scripture would indicate all these terror groups will be progressively eradicated , first by a regional war between Israel & it's nearest neighbors ( spoken of in Isaiah 9v12 & 17v1-4 , Zechariah 12v2-7 ). Following these events , the Russian-Gogian invading confederacy ( see Jeremiah Ch's 49 - 50 ) as it steamrolls through Iraq , will crush all opposition , including the Islamic State / ISIS ( which is the ' occupying force ' in large parts of Iraq & Syria ) before ' Gog ' finally invades the Holy Land.
While we cannot be totally certain of the sequence of events outlined above , the prophet Ezekiel does provide ' absolute certainty ' concerning the end of any remaining enemies of Israel , as typified by these savage terror groups like ISIS , Hezbollah & Hamas. In speaking of the coming rule of Christ in God's Kingdom , the transformative blessings God's people Israel will be given & the curses to be removed , Ezekiel 34 makes unmistakable references to these ' latter-day beasts ' that are terrorist groups such as ISIS & their evil , murderous ways. In 2015 & on the edge of Christ's return , nobody in Israel & it's surrounds are killed by actual ' animal beasts '. So what else could these ' beasts ' be ?? Its a clear ' figurative ' allusion to the ' savages ' who inhabit the land prior to the Lord's return. Their end is coming soon !!! Ezekiel 34v23-30 - I will set up one shepherd ( Christ ) over them & he shall feed them , even my servant David ( Christ ) ; he shall feed them & he shall be ' their shepherd ' ... I the LORD will be their God & my servant David a ' prince ' among them ; I the LORD have spoken it ... I will make with them a covenant of peace & will cause the ' evil beasts ' to cease out of the land & they shall dwell safely in the wilderness & sleep in the woods ... I will make them & the places round about my hill ( God's Holy Mountain - Zion ) a ' blessing ' ... there shall be ' showers of blessing ' ... the tree of the field shall yield her fruit ... the earth shall ' yield her increase ' ... they shall be safe in their land & shall know that I am the LORD , when I have broken the bands of their yoke & delivered them out of the hand of those that served themselves of them ... they shall no more be a prey to ' the heathen ' ( nations ) neither shall the ' beast ' of the land devour them ; but they shall dwell safely & ' none ' shall make them afraid ... they shall be no more consumed with hunger in the land , neither bear the shame of ' the heathen ' any more. Thus shall they know that I the LORD their God am with them & that they , even the house of Israel , are my people , saith the Lord GOD.
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