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EMERGENCE OF ' THE BEAST ' : EU's plan to create own military

EUROPE - NATO says ' a plan ' by the European Union to create its own army would be ineffective. The military alliance’s secretary-general, Jens Stoltenberg, says the EU should make sure everything they do is complimentary to NATO & avoid duplication. Stoltenberg told a press briefing in Belgium that he would welcome an increased investment by European nations in defense, but this should be channeled towards NATO, adding that “duplication would be inefficient.” "It's important to avoid duplication & I urge Europe to make sure that everything they do is complementary to the NATO alliance," he said, Reuters reported.

The idea of creating an EU army to counter the perceived threat from Russia was the brainchild of European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker, who spoke of his ideas to a German newspaper on Sunday. “ An army like this would help us to better coordinate our foreign & defense policies, and to collectively take on Europe's responsibilities in the world," the European Commission he said in an interview to Germany's Welt am Sonntag newspaper. Germany was the first country to support the idea voiced by Juncker.


PROPHECY INSIGHTS - Momentum is building towards the formation of an European Union Army. With the increasing impotence & fractured state of the US-led NATO , the voices for a purely EU military are growing louder. It is the next stage for the formation of the ' end-times Beast ' described in Revelation Ch.17 !! There are countlesss number of false & mis-guided ' theories ' concerning the true identity of ' the Beast ' of the latter days , with many religious groups even teaching US President Barack Obama is the Beast of Revelation 17. This is clearly wrong. ' The Beast ' of Revelation 17 is the European Union , a coming ' super-state ' lead by the Catholic Papacy that represents a latter-day reformation of the Holy Roman Empire. Revelation 17 speaks clearly of ten kings who are of " one mind " who will " give their power & strength " of their kingdoms over to ' The Beast ' ( Euro Union ) , the same ' beast ' upon which sits a harlot woman ( Catholic Papacy ). The present trend of ' individual ' EU nations reducing their military defence capabilities is the beginning of their voluntary forfeiture of their " power & strength " ( spoken of in Revelation 17 ) to the central govt. of the European Union ( led by the Vatican ). These many nations will abdicate their national & political identities to form part of the E.U ' Beast ' that will ultimately wage war against God's Son , the Lord Jesus Christ at His return.

REVELATION 17 v 11-14 - And ' the beast ' that was, & is not, even he is the eighth, and is of the seven, and goeth into perdition. And the ten horns which thou sawest are ten kings, which have received no kingdom as yet ; but receive power as kings one hour with ' the beast '. These have one mind & shall give their power & strength unto ' the beast ' . . . These shall make war with the Lamb ( Lord Jesus Christ ) & the Lamb shall overcome them : for he is Lord of lords & King of kings : & they that are with him are called & chosen & faithful.

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