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' Top 10 Signs '
There is simply NO DOUBT . . . the Lord Jesus Christ will soon return to the earth !!!
To provide you with ' the facts ' we listed TEN of the most notable global signs warning of the Lord's imminent return
Over 2,000 years ago , the Bible precisely described events & conditions that would precede the Lord's coming. Please read through the ' Top10 Signs ' & consider the amazing accuracy of the parallel Bible passages . . . THEN decide for yourself
SIGN # 1 -- JERUSALEM ... Centre of Coming World Conflict
The Holy City , Jerusalem , historically is the home of 3 global religions ( Christianity , Judaism & Islam ). No other city in the world has caused so much controversy & bloodshed. For over 2,000 years , the Bible has " fore-told " it would become the center of world wide contention. In 1967 Israel re-claimed its ancient capital Jerusalem ( after nearly 2,000 years ). In the 52 years since , the Palestinians have waged an often violent struggle to arrest control of Jerusalem. The fight for Jerusalem in the past decade has escalated , culminating in Sept'2011 with the Palestinian bid for statehood before the United Nations , setting the scene for the final dramatic conflict before Christ's return.
Zechariah 12v2-9
Behold , I will make JERUSALEM a ' cup of trembling ' unto all the people round about , when they shall be in the siege both against Judah & against Jerusalem. In that day will I make JERUSALEM a ' burdensome stone ' for all people : all that burden themselves with IT shall be cut in pieces , though all the people of the earth be gathered together against it. And it shall it come to pass in that day , that I will seek to destroy ALL the nations that come against JERUSALEM
Turmoil is spreading around the world. With the USA , China & multiple European economies in debt crises , global stock markets reeling , global food shortages & skyrocketing prices , climate & energy crises around the globe , mass protests & uprisings world-wide , political & corporate corruption rife , inequality & injustice everywhere & NO solutions to these burgeoning dilemmas - mankind's overwhelming problems threaten to bring the total collapse of the global community. These ' exact conditions ' have long been predicted in God's Word the Bible & herald the imminent return of the Lord Jesus Christ from heaven.
Luke 21v25-27
There shall be ' SIGNS ' in the sun & in the moon & in the stars & upon the earth DISTRESS OF NATIONS with PERPLEXITY the sea & the waves roaring. Men's hearts failing them FOR FEAR & for looking after those things which ARE COMING on the earth for the powers of heaven shall be shaken. And THEN shall they see the Son of man coming in a cloud with power & great glory
Human civilization is in steep decline. The corrosive effects of ' unrestricted immorality ' in recent years is evidenced by self-indulgence , materialism , dishonesty , greed , sensuality , sexual promiscuity , alcoholism , drug abuse & violence in every level of society. Throughout the world , society is breaking down under the morass of human dysfunction. This deterioration of social values has been seen in the global move to legalise homosexuality & same-sex marriages - described in God's Word , the Bible as " an abomination ".
This descent into an abyss of immorality & violence by mankind , is the ' direct result ' of society's denial of God's existence & the abandonment of His Laws & Commandments. It is this immorality & godlessness which will precipitate God's judgments on mankind as foretold in the Scriptures.
2 Timothy 3v1-4
In ' THE LAST DAYS ' perilous times shall come ... For men shall be ' lovers of their own selves ' , covetous , boasters , proud , blasphemers , disobedient to parents , unthankful , unholy , without natural affection , trucebreakers , false accusers , incontinent , fierce , despisers of those that are good , traitors , heady , highminded , ' lovers of pleasures ' more than lovers of God.
2011 saw unparalleled historic events - most notably the massive political & social upheaval in the Middle East. With the ' Arab Spring ' rattling through more than 14 separate nations in the Arab World , overthrowing longstanding governments & dictatorships ( Tunisia , Egypt , Libya ) & throwing others into chaotic civil wars ( Syria , Yemen ) it has created a maelstrom of political dynamics transforming this already volatile region into a tinder-box of instability & strategic uncertainty. In 2013 , the continuing emergence of brutal terrorists groups such as Al Qaeda , Al Nusra , ISIS , Ansar Al-Islam has further escalated the violence , bloodshed & suffering in this troubled region. These events are the prelude to the final global conflict , long prophesied in the Bible & centered around God's people , the tiny nation of Israel.
Revelation 16 v 12 - 16
v12 And the sixth angel poured his vial upon the great river Euphrates & the water thereof was dried up , ◄◄ STAGE 1 - Mid.East Uprising
that ' the way ' of the kings OF THE EAST [ Middle East " Arab Spring " ] might be prepared
v13 And I saw three unclean ' SPIRITS ' like frogs come out of the mouth of THE DRAGON [ Russia ] & ◄◄ STAGE 2 - Political Uprising
out of the mouth of THE BEAST [ EuroUnion ] & out of the mouth of THE FALSE PROPHET [ Papacy ]
v14 For they are the ' spirits ' of devils [ Spirit of REVOLUT'N ] working ' miracles ' which GO FORTH unto ◄◄ STAGE 3 - Global Revolution
the kings of THE EARTH & of THE WHOLE WORLD [ Arab Spring ~ 'Occupy' & 'Austerity' Protests ]
to gather them to the battle of that Great Day of God Almighty
v15 Behold , I COME AS A THIEF. Blessed is he that watcheth & keepeth his garments , lest he walk naked ◄◄ STAGE 4 - Christ's Return
& they see his shame & He gathered them together into a place called in the Hebrew tongue ARMAGEDDON
Note : 3 unclean " spirits " [ Liberty + Equality + Fraternity = " Democracy " ] - originating from 1789 French Revolution ( ie. " Frogs " )
With the iron-fisted Vladimir Putin reclaiming Russia's Presidency in 2012 & a mandate of ' supreme power ' of Russia until 2024 - a resurgent Russian economy , rapid growth & advancement of Russia's military machine has emboldened Mr Putin , who continues to re-shape the international political landscape with his aggressive foreign policy , often challenging & defying US , European & United Nations initiatives - particularly in the Middle East - by supporting pariah states Iran , Syria , Lebanon & the Palestinians. Mr Putin has signaled his quest for ' world dominance ' by his plan to create a ' Eurasian ' axis of powers ( extending from Portugal to China ) to rival the US & European alliances. Russia's stealthy acquisition & control of energy pipelines provides a formidable stranglehold over most European nations & is key to Russia's strategic plans & consistent with her increased involvement in the Middle East as she ' eyes ' huge energy reserves discovered recently near Israel
Daniel 8 v 23-25
In the LATTER TIME of their [ man's ] kingdom , when the transgressors [ sinners ] are come to the full , A KING of ' fierce ' countenance & understanding dark sentences , shall stand up. And his power shall be mighty , but not by his own power & he shall destroy wonderfully & shall prosper & practise & shall destroy ' the mighty ' [ USA ? ] & ' the holy people ' [ ISRAEL ] Through his policy also he shall cause craft to prosper in his hand & he shall magnify himself in his heart & ' BY PEACE ' shall destroy many : he shall also stand up against the Prince of princes [ Christ ] but he shall be broken without hand
Since its formal creation on 1st December 2009 , the European Union has had a short , turbulent history as European leaders have struggled to merge their national economies together as a ' United States of Europe '. Over the past 4 years , the EU's development has been severely jeopardized by a string of spiraling economic debt crises that have ravaged many EU nations ( Greece , Spain , Portugal , Italy , Ireland ) & driven strong EU nations to their knees. In a desperate effort to save the EU & its stricken Euro-zone currency , EU policy makers are aggressively pushing for a rapid acceleration towards a single centralized EU government - usurping power from individual states. As the European financial crisis deepens , resistant states are being ' forced to comply ' to survive. Recent moves to create a central EU " military " force have also alarmed some sovereign member states & regional nations raising the specter of a new emergent regional threat.
Revelation 17 v 11-14
THE BEAST [ Euro Union ] that was & is not , even he is the eighth & is of the seven & goeth into perdition. And THE TEN HORNS which thou sawest are TEN KINGS , which have received no kingdom as yet ; but receive ' power ' as kings one hour with THE BEAST [ Euro Union ]. These have one mind & shall give their power & strength unto THE BEAST [ Euro Union ]. These shall make war with THE LAMB [ Lord Jesus Christ ] & THE LAMB shall overcome them : for He [ Lord Jesus Christ ] is Lord of lords & King of kings : & they [ Believers ] that are with Him are called & chosen & faithful
SIGN # 7 -- ABOMINATION OF DESOLATION . . . in The Holy Place
In a dramatic fulfilment of Bible Prophecy , the ' individual ' clearly referred to in the Bible records of Daniel , Matthew & Mark as the " Abomination of Desolation " the Catholic Pope , on the 12th May 2009 made the ' FIRST EVER ' Papal visit INTO ' THE HOLY PLACE ' in Jerusalem. No Roman Catholic Pope in history had EVER ' STOOD INSIDE ' the HOLY PLACE until Pope Benedict's historic visit to the site in May 2009 when he actually entered into the revered building. The purpose of this prophecy ( given by Jesus Christ himself ) was to provide a ' clear signpost ' to the faithful believers , of the imminency of the time of Great Tribulation to come , just before the return of the Lord Jesus Christ from heaven. With the unmistakable fulfillment of this prophecy & we now await the culmination of the ' Time of Trouble ' we now see escalating around the world.
Matthew 24 v 15-21
When YE therefore shall see the ABOMINATION OF DESOLATION [ Catholic Pope ] spoken of by Daniel the prophet , ' STAND IN ' The Holy Place ,( whoso readeth , let him understand : ) Then let them which be in Judea flee into the mountains : Let him which is on the housetop not come down to take any thing out of his house : Neither let him which is in the field return back to take his clothes ... For ' THEN ' shall be GREAT TRIBULATION such as was NOT since the beginning of the world to this time , no , nor ever shall be.
While man's advances in technology & communications , have in recent years enabled a world-wide awareness of the Bible , it has also resulted in an explosion of divergent & at times , extreme array of faiths & religions - extending from ' the fundamental ' to ' the fraudulent '. Recent years have seen an unprecedented number of religions , sects & cults around the world , many even claiming to be the manifestation of the Lord Jesus Christ. Invariably these fraudulent scams masquerade in the name of religion to exploit their followers & in many instances have ended in heartbreak & tragedy. God's Word fore-told this would be a ' clear signal ' of the nearness of the ' true Christ ' from heaven
Mark 13 v 22-26
For FALSE CHRISTS & FALSE PROPHETS shall rise & shall shew signs & wonders , to seduce , if it were possible , even the elect . But take ye heed : behold , I have fore-told you all things. But in those days ' after ' that TRIBULATION , the sun shall be darkened & the moon shall not give her light , And the stars of heaven shall fall & the powers that are in heaven shall be shaken. And THEN shall they see THE SON OF MAN coming in the clouds with great power & glory
2011 to 2013 have been ' Years of Natural Disasters ' almost unparalleled in human history. With the three-fold disaster in Japan ( earthquake - tsunami - nuclear ) being the epicenter of this incredible period of cataclysmic events around the globe. The frequency of earthquakes has risen dramatically in recent years , while many nations have in the last 2 years suffered their worst ever natural disasters ( Australia - Floods / Brazil - Flood-Mudslides / NZ - Earthquakes / Thailand - Floods / Philippines - Typhoon ). USA above all has experienced the ' most bizarre ' series of catastrophic disasters through 2011-2013 including its ' worst ever ' Tornado season in 2011 , historic flooding in many states , unprecedented earthquakes , huge wildfires , record heatwaves , severe droughts , epic blizzards & 2 catastrophic hurricanes ( Irene - Sandy ) which shut down 20% of the USA & caused hundreds of billions of dollars in damage. It is NOT just " co-incidence " all these disasters are happening in parallel with the US Govt's policy of supporting the dividing of Israel ( God's Land ) as a 2-state solution
Jeremiah 25 v 31-33 ( Amplified Version )
" The tumult will resound to the ends of the earth , for the LORD will bring CHARGES AGAINST THE NATIONS [ as all nations move to divide Israel ] He will bring judgment on ALL MANKIND & put the wicked to the sword " declares the LORD. This is what the LORD Almighty says . . . ." Look ! DISASTER is spreading FROM NATION to NATION ; A MIGHTY STORM is rising from THE ENDS OF THE EARTH. "
Aside from the incredible series of natural disasters in 2011 & 2012 , the scriptures also forewarned there would be extra-ordinary " Signs & Wonders " immediately prior to the Lord's return as a warning & encouragement to those who believe. Signs & Wonders both in the ' LITERAL ' heavens & earth , such as stunning volcano eruptions & ash clouds extending around the globe , rare lunar & solar eclipses , mysterious mass deaths of birds & fish , ' freak ' tornadoes in unheard of regions ( Italy ~ NewZealand ~ Portugal ) & devastating earthquakes. These natural events , being symbolic of events in the METAPHORICAL ( ' political ' ) heavens & earth that would shake the world. ' Seismic ' global events such as the Arab Spring - Global Financial Crisis - Debt Crises - Occupy Protests - Austerity Protests . . . . all unprecedented & all heralding the Master's soon return
Joel 2 v 30-32
I will shew ' WONDERS ' . . . in the heavens & in the earth . . . BLOOD & FIRE & PILLARS OF SMOKE . The SUN shall be turned into darkness & the MOON into blood , BEFORE the great & the terrible DAY of the LORD come. And it shall come to pass , that ' WHOSOEVER ' shall call on the name of the LORD shall be delivered : For in mount Zion & in Jerusalem shall be deliverance , as the LORD hath said