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A 2014 TIME CAPSULE ~> ' World headlines ' from 10 years ago !
As we look back on the dramatic events of 2014 . . . Now , over 10 yrs later social , economic & geopolitical headlines remain almost unchanged !! The same world news ' shockwaves ' back then , still reverberate around our ' troubled ' world today & reflect the exact conditions of the ' Latter Days ' as foretold in the Bible. We encourage you to thoughtfully consider , the amazing ' parallels ' between world news events over a decade ago , the prevailing conditions we see today & the many prophecies recorded in God's Word.
' Click ' on any news story panel to access ' a brief ' of the world event in 2014 & their connection with Bible Prophecy. For further details simply ' Click ' on the attached links to access our ' current events ' pages & ' video links ' to more fully understand , your world in prophecy.
PROPHECY NEWS DESK'S articles & videos from 2014 . . . How accurate they were !!

Raised for a Purpose -- US President Barack Obama is a ' transformative ' figure who has irreversibly changed America !!! Discover ' WHY ' this divisive & controversial President has been used by God Himself to weaken this once-mighty nation for a greater purpose. Please see the link below to ustd the reason for Obama's deliberate undoing of America

Putin - Coming World Dictator ??? ~ Since the USSR's collapse in 1991, a resurgent Russia under Vladimir Putin has been aggressively rebuilding & reasserting its world influence , as THE dominant world power. Putin's pride & ambition is clear. Russia is positioning itself to move into the geopolitical 'void' left by a financially crippled USA & the Euro-chaos soon to unfold. The Bible has many references to this 'LatterDay' King of the North. PLEASE see our 2014 PAGE & our VIDEO for more details
View the stunning global events in 2015 fulfilling Bible Prophecy & heralding the ' apocalyptic ' end of days of the kingdoms of men.
To see all our videos , please go to our Website Video Page
or visit our YouTube channel ' Prophecy News Desk '

The Paris Terror Attacks are trigger for coming world chaos. These horrific attacks will set in motion a shocking series of apocalyptic events that will unleash chaos on an unprecedented scale world-wide ... events long FORE-TOLD in ' 5 short verses ' in the Book of Revelation. Please watch & share with others :)

The Deal is signed . . . The stage is set !! The shocking events foretold in end-time bible prophecy are on the cusp of fulfilment. As world leaders celebrate this ' historic deal ' on Iran's nuclear program , few realise it is the spark that will ignite global chaos & turmoil . . . & all vividly described in detail in God's Word , the Bible. Please view this video & the mind-blowing Bible evidence detailing these apocalyptic events - - BEFORE they happen !!!

God's Purpose in Hurricane Sandy ~ SIMPLY AMAZING !!! ~ Did you know Super-storm Sandy was foretold in the Bible over 2,500 years ago ??? INCREDIBLY the Bible also described the ' EXACT ' meteorological conditions that created this unprecedented event ( which " co-incidently " hit the world's biggest city , New York ). Even more INCREDIBLY - it gave the 3 REASONS why God sent Super-storm Sandy . . . HARD-TO-BELIEVE ??? Please see our VIDEO LINK to discover just how amazing God's Word really is

The Paris Terror Attacks are trigger for coming world chaos. These horrific attacks will set in motion a shocking series of apocalyptic events that will unleash chaos on an unprecedented scale world-wide ... events long FORE-TOLD in ' 5 short verses ' in the Book of Revelation. Please watch & share with others :)

The meteoric rise of ISIS seems unstoppable !! As the Islamic State expands its control over Syria, Iraq & now moves toward Lebanon & with Islamic extremism spreading globally & terror acts happening almost daily , WHO can put an end to this cancerous creed of violence , death & destruction ?? God's Word the Bible , foretold of these savage beasts & also clearly speaks of their coming demise. Please see the link below to discover the Bible prophecy that vividly speaks of their coming end.

Gaza War 2014 - only a precursor !! A full-scale war btwn Israel & all its neighbors will soon erupt , ignited by the Palestinian Terrorist Group ' Hamas ' & Syrian forces. Despite the horrors of the recent Gaza War , Bible Prophecy is clear . . . much darker days are coming !!! Please click on the Link below to understand the dramatic events that will soon set the entire Middle East on fire !!!

The future designs of the Vatican ... Did you know the Papacy has a ' Grand-Plan ' for Catholics , Christians & even Muslims ?? To establish one central seat of religious power & authority !! Reserved for the Pope himself !! Please go to the link below to discover WHY the Pope's is striving for unification of the world religions & WHAT it means for the future.

Warning of Coming Global Turmoil - The passing of Israel's long-time war hero & former Prime Minister - is a momentous historical event that is a ' pre-cursor ' to unthinkable events soon to overwhelm both Israel & the nations of the world. Click on the link below to discover the catastrophe soon to befall God's people & all mankind.

Will IRAN exterminate ISRAEL ??? With recent world-attention being consumed by North Korea , IRAN ( in defiance of U.N. demands & Western eco. sanctions ) has continued accelerating its nuclear weapons program. With its sworn objective to " wipe Israel off the map " IRAN is an existential threat to Israel, God's chosen people. Experts agree Israel's opportunity to launch a preemptive strike is now closing rapidly. But the Bible says , Iran will NOT attack Israel UNTIL Russia's Mid-East Invasion

Really ' Scary ' 1929 - 2014 Parallel -> Fear & uncertainty are gripping global markets in 2014. Violent convulsions have ' rocked ' world markets as nations, govts & banks around the globe struggle with deteriorating economic conditions & spiralling debt crises ► Over 2,500 years ago God's Word clearly foretold massive social & economic collapse worldwide - just prior to the final global conflict & the Lord's return to the earth. Pls see our 2014 World Events page to see this stunning prophecy

Is ' Anarchy ' coming to EGYPT ??? Since the historic 2011 Revolution ( FORE-TOLD' in Isaiah Ch.19 ) Egypt spiralled out of control under its radical & brutal leader , the Muslim Brotherhood's Muhammad Morsi. Bible Prophecy is clear : EGYPT's chaos ' will continue ' until it is overwhelmed by a foreign invader. EGYPT will be one of several nations invaded by a RUSSIAN-led coalition of armies in the coming ' Time of Trouble ' on earth - prior to the Return of the Lord Jesus Christ.

The SPARK to ignite a ' holocaust ' ~ The Palestinian claim for statehood is " a deception". It is part of a plan as anti-Jewish forces try to de-legitimise & ultimately expunge the nation of Israel , all under the banner of ' Palestinian Human Rights '. The proposed "peace-plan" to divide Jerusalem & the land of Israel ( God's Land !! ) is the 'TRIGGER' ( repeatedly 'foretold' in the Bible ) that will invoke God's wrath & judgment on the nations .... Keep watching this burning issue.

Soon !! Syria-Palestinians vs Israel ~ This news story has NOT happened yet !!! (Please forgive our indulgence) However , it WILL BE headlines soon. How can we be SO sure ??? Old Testament Bible prophecies speak repeatedly of a " latter-day " conflict between Israel & its inveterate enemies , the Syrians & Philistines (Palestinians). As Syria collapses , watch for a coalition of these Iranian-proxy nations at war with Israel - possibly to preempt any Israeli strike on Iran's Nuclear facilities

Will Pope Francis fulfill Prophecy ?? ~ As the leader of 1.2 Billion Catholics , Pope Benedict's resignation shocked the world ~ ALSO just hours later in an ' amazing ' sign from heaven , the Vatican was ' struck by lightning ' during a "freak" winter storm in Rome !?!? ~ WHAT DOES IT ALL MEAN ??? ~ Will Pope Francis be ' the Pope ' who fulfills the many Bible prophecies that speak of a " religious system " that opposes Christ at His return ?? Please see our current events links for more details

Wracked by ... natural disasters ~ an $18 Trillion debt ~ political scandals & gridlock - the USA is on the brink of collapse ... It is NOT co-incidence !!! There is a fundamental reason behind USA's death rattles & the bizarre string of extreme disasters (since 2001) that have crippled Israel's closest ally. Please see our 2013 world events page to understand why the USA is ' falling apart '