HUGE EARTHQUAKE ROCKS NZ: U.N. move triggers scary tremor
New Zealand said Tuesday it has been working on a UN resolution aimed at ' restarting ' stalled negotiations between Israel & the Palestinians. Two decades of talks brokered mainly by the United States have failed to produce a two-state solution. The latest effort to get a peace deal, led by U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry, fell short in April 2014 after nine months of tense negotiations & the gaps between Israeli & Palestinian positions remain vast. New Zealand's UN Ambassador Jim McLay told the Security Council it's time for the UN's most powerful body " to use its moral & legal authority " to spur " productive negotiations."
NEWS REPORT : Haaretz ( 22 April '15 )
A magnitude 6.2 quake felt across New Zealand was described as " huge " & " quite solid ", leaving some " seasick ". The quake, which struck at 3.36pm, was centred 35 kilometres north-west of Kaikoura, on the east coast of the South Island, at a depth of 83km, felt at least as far south as Christchurch. Following the larger quake, there were three smaller earthquakes in the area so far, ranging between magnitude 3.5 & 4.2. The quake was roughly the ' same size ' as the February 2011 quake in Christchurch - but this one was much deeper.
NEWS REPORT : ( 24 April '15 )
PROPHECY NEWS DESK - New Zealand has not learnt the lessons of history. While it's political leaders lead the charge to re-invigorate talks for a ' two-state solution ' between Israel & the Palestinians , it is unwittingly bringing divine wrath upon it's own land. In recent years , as the nations have desparately sought to solve the burning issue of Jerusalem & the so-called " occupied territories " there has developed a remarkable correlation of dramatic events befalling those nations who openly call for Israel to give up land to the Palestinians . . . land , that God himself has promised to the Jewish people as an " eternal inheritance ".
GENESIS 12 v 3 - I will bless them that bless thee & curse him that curseth thee [ Israel ]
& in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed
GENESIS 27 v 29 - Cursed be everyone that curseth thee [ Israel ]
& blessed be he that blesseth thee.
So within just 72 hours of New Zealand announcing its intention to kick start the ' 2-state talks ' it is struck by an earthquake ~ the ' same magnitude ' that devastated Christchurch in 2011. Could this be a heavenly warning , a " shot across the bow " by God to New Zealand's errant & misguided initiative ?? In recent years many nations have suffered devastating disasters after their leaders either criticised or condemned God's people Israel. Just a few examples include :
December 2010 - Brazil became the first nation to controversially recognize an independent Palestinian State - Just one month later Brazil suffers its ' worst ever ' natural disaster as floods & landslides killed over 560 people
December 2010 - Australian PM Kevin Rudd - a native of the State of Queensland speaks out against Israel - again within a month Australian states Queensland & Victoria are hit by ' biblical ' floods greater in size than Germany & France combined !!!
11 March 2010 - Japan issues international condemnation of Israel concerning activity in the disputed territories & demands Israel reverse its policy. Exactly 1 year later ( to the day ) on 11 March 2011 , Japan suffers an apocalyptic ' triple disaster ' as a 9.0 Earthquake triggers a massive tsunami & nuclear disaster ( 20,000+ deaths )
June 2011 - Norway - Europe's foremost proponent pushing for Palestinian statehood - in the same week it was to host a Palestinian ambassadorial delegation , suffers ' twin terror attacks ' by a lone extremist - who exploded a devastating bomb in the heart of the capital Oslo , before killing 77 young citizens in a murderous rampage
But no nation has been more dramatically affected by this series of natural disasters than Israel's closest , long-standing ally , America. Since taking office in January 2009 , Barack Obama's hostile foreign policies toward Israel has brought a bizarre & devastating array of unprecedented disasters upon the United States. Ranging from record blizzards , super-storm hurricanes , historic floods , heatwaves , wildfires , droughts , super-cells & twisters ; America has been continually bludgeoned by catastrophic events , all invariably timed & linked to deteriorating US-Israeli relations , as the Obama Administration abandons its former ally. None of these events are simply ' random occurances ' rather they are fulfilment of the last day events fore-told in God's Word , as the nations are punished for interfering with God's Holy City
ZECHARIAH 12v3,9 - And in that day will I make Jerusalem a ' burdensome stone ' for all people ; And it shall come to pass in that day , that I will seek to destroy all the nations that come against Jerusalem.