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KOREA'S 'SEWOL' SINKING : One Year On ... A Prophetic Warning

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KOREA - The 1st anniversary of the tragic sinking of the ' Sewol ' has just been marked. This terrible event which claimed so many lives & remains clouded in mystery & controversy continues a series of historic sinkings all connected by bizarre parallels that have been ominous pre-cursors to catastrophic global events that invariably followed ' within 2 years '.

The ' Titanic ' was the first. The epic tragedy of this ' un-sinkable ' ship on its maiden voyage being stricken & sent to the bottom of the ocean is now mythical. The apex of man's achievements , it was enigmatic of man's pride , arrogance & avarice. But it was also a ' warning ' of approaching global chaos. Within 2 years of Titanic's sinking , mankind spiralled into the First World War !!


In 2012 , ' exactly ' 100 years after the Titanic disaster ( just co-incidence ?? ) the state-of-the art luxury cruise ship ' Costa Concordia ' sunk off the Italian coast. The ship's name ' Concordia ' was intended to express the wish for " continuing harmony , unity & peace between ' European ' nations ". Once again , within just 2 years Europe was plunged into turmoil as Russia - for the first time in over 40 years invaded a sovereign European nation , as it annexed Crimea & parts of Eastern Ukraine. The crisis bringing the Ukraine , Russia , Europe & the West to the brink ' of World War 3. Could last year's ' Sewol ' disaster also hold a deeper significance pointing to the future ?? Incredibly , ( like the Titanic ) MV Sewol also sunk on April 16 , 08:58 Korea Standard Time ( 23:58 UTC , 15 April 2014 ) the ' 102nd anniversary ' of Titanic's sinking !! Again is this ' just co-incidence ' ?? Further , the vessel's name ' Sewol ' actually means " beyond the world " Given the clear implications of both the Titanic & Costa Concordia disasters , the ' Sewol ' tragedy is a further sign forewarning the passing of ' this world ' & the coming of God's kingdom. With the passing of the Sewol's 1st anniversary , is there a major ' global event ' coming ( fulfilling bible prophecy ) that will arise before the ' Sewol's ' 2nd anniversary ?? 2PETER 3v10-12 - The day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night ; in the which ' the heavens ' [ earthly political ] shall pass away with a ' great noise ' & the elements shall ' melt with fervent heat ', the earth also & the works that are therein ' shall be burned up'. Seeing then that all these things shall be dissolved , what manner of persons ought ye to be in all holy conversation & godliness

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