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VATICAN~RUSSIAN ' ISIS ' PLAN : 'Unholy allies' military solution

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ROME - The Vatican’s line on ISIS has taken a new turn, as its ambassador in Geneva suggested that if a political settlement is impossible, ' military force ' should be used against the jihadists. He also said the form of intervention should be defined by the UN. In an interview with Catholic magazine Crux, Archbishop Silvano Tomasi used the word “ genocide ” to describe the terrorist group’s campaign of executions & ethno-religious persecution through northern Syria & Iraq. “ Otherwise we’ll be crying out in the future about why we didn’t so something, why we allowed such a terrible tragedy to happen ” the Vatican’s top diplomat at the United Nations said , suggesting ' military force ' in the absence of a political solution. On the same day he released a statement entitled “ Supporting the Human Rights of Christians & Other Communities, particularly in the Middle Eastco-authored with Russia & Lebanon, and presented to the UN Human Rights Council & signed by nearly 70 nations. The statement itself was a ' Russian idea ' given its cultivation of the image of protector of Orthodox Christians in the Middle East, Tomasi added. This is also the first time the plight of Christians has been exclusively addressed at the Human Rights Council. The statements may come as a surprise to those who remember the Vatican’s past abhorrence of military violence in the region, but Tomasi’s statements are actually not a new thing ; Pope Francis has said in the past that military force is a “ legitimate ” way to “ stop unjust aggression


PROPHECY INSIGHTS - An amazing development !!! The Catholic Church is officially calling for ' military force ' to be used against the Islamic State threat. In a statement from the Vatican's top diplomat speaking on behalf of Pope Francis himself , the Papacy has formulated a proposal to deal ISIS a death-blow through military force. Quite amazing , given the Pope , the supposed " spiritual leader " of 1.2 billion Catholics world-wide & the self-proclaimed ' Holy ' representative of God on earth , is advocating death & destruction on a massive scale to wipe out the scourge of ISIS.

Is it just co-incidence ... This statement comes as ISIS is on Europe's doorstep in Libya & Tunisia & now threatening an invasion of Italy ?? Both the Italian authorities & the Vatican are on high alert prompting Italy's Defense Minister Roberta Pinotti to declare of the encroaching ISIS threat " The risk is imminent , we cannot wait any longer ". But the media report above importantly reveals the other major actors who are formulating this ' plan ' with the Vatican , Russia & interestingly Lebanon ( a fully-controlled proxy of Iran ). While most of the world's population looks to the future with fear & uncertainty as the Islamic State wreaks havoc & brutality , Ezekiel 17 points unmistakably to the coming ' strategic alliance ' soon to be forged between the Catholic Papacy ( leading the Euro-Union ) & Russia's authoritarian leader , Vladimir Putin.

The current ISIS threat is ' the catalyst ' to bring Rome & Russia together in a common cause , as the Papacy seeks Russia's military might to expel this threat of Islamic extremism & in exchange Putin will derive international legitimacy & advocacy from his pact with the leader of the world's largest religion - the Pope. Together Russia's Gog & Rome's Papacy will ' prosper & practice ' in an alliance of mutual convenience & jointly plan the subjugation of many nations , including the ' Holy Land '. But the very same Bible prophecy in Ezekiel 17 also vividly details Rome's coming judgment at the hands of the Lord Jesus Christ & His saints ( ' East Wind ' )

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Ezekiel 17v7-10 - There was also another ' great eagle ' ( Russia ) with great wings & many feathers & behold ' this vine ' ( Vatican / Papacy ) did bend her roots toward him ( Russian Gog / Putin ) & shot forth her branches toward him , that he might water it by the furrows of her plantation. It ( Vatican / Papacy ) was planted in a good soil by ' great waters ' ( Mediterranean Sea ) that it might bring forth branches & that it might bear fruit , that it might be a ' goodly vine ' . . . . Thus saith the Lord GOD ; Shall it prosper ? shall he not pull up the roots thereof & cut off the fruit thereof , that it wither ? It shall wither in all the leaves of her spring , even without great power or many people to pluck it up by the roots thereof. Yea , behold , being planted , shall it prosper ? shall it not utterly wither , when the ' east wind ' ( Christ & His saints ) toucheth it ? It shall wither in the furrows where it grew.

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