JAPAN'S MEGA-QUAKE - 4 YEARS ON : ' Aftershocks ' still rattling Japan . . . Why ??

TOKYO - Four years after a magnitude 9 earthquake shook northern & eastern Japan, the region is rocked by tremors at ' more than double ' the average rate of the decade before the disaster, a report this week from the Japan Meteorological Agency shows. In the latest 12 months there were 737 quakes registering at least “1” on the Japanese intensity scale of 1-7 in the quake zone, which runs more than 500 km (300 miles) from Tokyo’s eastern suburbs up the northeast coast nearly to the northern tip of the main island of Honshu. From 2001 to 2010, agency data shows, the annual average was 306. The agency warns that there remains a risk of large aftershocks in the region, which includes the area of the wrecked Fukushima nuclear plant.
Scientists say that while the quakes are getting weaker, the numbers are still a concern. Last month alone there were 64 quakes of magnitude 4 or higher in the quake zone. While the report focused on the northeast, all of Japan is effectively a quake zone where three tectonic plates intersect, generating about one-fifth of the world’s magnitude 6-plus quakes. In November, a magnitude 6.8 tremor rocked the central Japan prefecture of Nagano, injuring 13. Toda said areas such as Fukushima & northwest Japan’s Akita prefecture, which sits outside the region hit directly by the March 11 quake , are still feeling the impact. “There’s the possibility that some of this could go on for a hundred years,” he said.
NEWS REPORT : NewsDaily.com
PROPHECY INSIGHTS - As the nation & the world stopped to remember the unprecedented triple disaster ( Earthquake / Tsunami / Nuclear Meltdown ) that struck Japan on March 11, 2011 very few people realise that this catastrophic event was a disaster triggered & caused ' by man ' & was a direct fulfilment of an ancient Bible prophecy !!!
GENESIS 12 v 3
I will bless them that bless thee & CURSE HIM that CURSETH THEE ( Israel )
& in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed
Consider this . . . . 11th March 2010 - Japanese Govt issues ' international condemnation ' of Israel concerning its activity in the disputed territories of East Jerusalem & West Bank , actually ' demanding ' Israel reverse it's policy concerning the Palestinians
( VIEW DOCUMENT : Japan's Foreign Affairs Statement 11-Mar-2010 ) . . . . then ' EXACTLY ' ONE YEAR LATER ( ' to the exact day ' ) >>> 11th March 2011 - A massive 9.0 magnitude Mega-Quake hits Japan's east coast triggering an apocalyptic tsunami killing 20,000 - 25,000 people. The destruction caused multiple nuclear meltdowns in the Fukishima Nuclear Facility creating a third disaster. Could this just be ' co-incidence ' - or - a dramatic fulfillent of God's Word ???
This historically unprecedented ' triple catastrophe ' was a fore-warning to all nations & the seismic ' aftershocks ' still rocking Japan ( 4 years later !!! ) are a grave reminder of God's simmering anger & His fury soon to break forth upon the earth as fore-told. In 2015 , with growing world-wide hostility towards God's people & all nations abandoning & isolating Israel we know the devastating Japanese 2011 disaster is merely a ' fore-taste ' of God's coming judgments upon mankind. It is our time of opportunity to humbly & sincerely turn to God ... before it's too late.
GENESIS 27 v 29 - CURSED BE EVERY ONE that CURSETH THEE ( Israel ) & blessed be he that blesseth thee.
ISAIAH 13 v 9-13 - Behold, the day of the LORD cometh , cruel both with wrath & fierce anger, to lay the land desolate & he shall destroy the sinners thereof out of it . . . And I will punish the world for their evil, & the wicked for their iniquity ; & I will cause the arrogancy of the proud to cease & will lay low the haughtiness of the terrible . . . Therefore I will shake the heavens & the earth shall remove out of her place , in the wrath of the LORD of hosts & in the day of his fierce anger.
Has this EVER happened ?? ... It is also ' critical ' to note this prophecy in Isaiah 13 is written in the context of the Medes ( modern day IRAN ) invading & destroying the land of Babylon ( modern day IRAQ ) ... EXACTLY as we are seeing in 2015 !!