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ISIS DESTROY IRAQI ANTIQUITY : Prophetic signal of coming chaos


IRAQ - The Islamic State (IS) group has released a video appearing to show the destruction of statues in Iraq. Statues are smashed using sledgehammers and drills in what seems to be a museum in the city of Mosul. Statues are also shown being destroyed at an archaeological site known as the Nergal Gate. World heritage body Unesco has called for an emergency meeting of the UN Security Council to discuss how to protect Iraq's cultural heritage. In a statement, Unesco head Irina Bokova said: " This attack is far more than a cultural tragedy. This is also a security issue as it fuels sectarianism, violent extremism and conflict in Iraq." In the video released via IS social media sites, black-clad men push over statues, smash them with sledgehammers and use a pneumatic drill to destroy the rubble. The video shows a black-clad man drilling through and pulling apart what appears to be a stone winged-bull Assyrian protective deity that dates back to the 9th Century BC. One of the militants in the video describes the artefacts as " false idols " and seeks to justify their destruction in religious terms. Analysts say the artefacts are unique and priceless . . .


Jeremiah 51v47 - Behold , the days come that I will do judgment upon the ' graven images ' of Babylon ( Iraq ) & her whole land shall be confounded & all her slain shall fall in the midst of her. THEN the heaven & the earth & all that is therein, shall sing for Babylon ( Iraq ) for ' the spoilers ' shall come unto her ' from the north ' ( Russia / Iran ) saith the LORD

PROPHECY INSIGHTS - The stunning accuracy of God's Word is amazing !!! As the world watches the destruction of Iraq's famed antiquities ( the graven statues that date back thousands of years to the Assyrian & Babylonian empires ) it is not just a bleak footnote in history but a ' grave fore-warning ' of apocalyptic events soon to explode across Iraq & the Middle East. An old testament prophecy about ancient & modern-day Iraq , Jeremiah Ch. 51 foretold of the destruction of Iraq's ancient antiquities, just as her whole land spirals into widespread death & destruction - exactly as we see in Iraq in 2015 !!

Critically . . . the same passage says " THEN . . . " ( ie. after these events ) " spoilers " will then ' come unto her from the north ' - an end-times reference to Russia & Iran. The very same chapter in vs. 28-29 make explicit reference to " many nations " - specifically including the ' Kings of the Medes ' ( modern day Iran ) - preparing to make war against Babylon ( Iraq ).

Jeremiah 51v28 - Prepare against her ( Iraq ) the nations , with the ' kings of the Medes ' ( Iran ) the captains thereof & all the rulers thereof & all the land of his dominion. And the land ( Iraq ) shall tremble & sorrow : for every purpose of the LORD shall be performed against Babylon ( Iraq ) , to make the land of Babylon a desolation without an inhabitant.

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