MEGAQUAKE - CRISIS IN NEPAL : Real cause of this epic disaster

NEPAL - When a 7.8-magnitude earthquake roared through this Himalayan nation on Saturday April 25 , leaving an estimated 7,500 dead & more than 11,000 injured, shrines & temples were sent crashing to the ground, many of them centuries old & irreplaceable cultural treasures. According to the United Nations, 600,000 houses have been destroyed or damaged & 2 million Nepalese will need tents, water, food & medicine. Many here say they will also need God, regardless of what happened to the temples, shrines & churches. About 80 percent of Nepalese are Hindu, making Nepal the second-largest Hindu nation outside of India, with about 2 percent of the global total. Most Hindus believe in a kind of fatalism, & many here seemed unrattled by the quake as a test of faith, even as their temples & shrines were flattened.

PROPHECY INSIGHTS - Do not think for one minute that earthquakes are random events with no connection to a supernatural God. God’s hand is behind this earthquake & when we look we can see His fingerprints. Nepal is famous as the world's only Hindu Kingdom. Hindu’s worship many false gods. Hence the many temples & shrines in the country. One landmark destroyed in the earthquake was the tallest building in Nepal called The Dharahara Tower. At the top of the tower was a statue of the god Shiva. This god is also known as Mahadeva ( ”The Great God" ) & is one of the main deities of Hinduism. He is the supreme god within Shaivism a main branch of Hinduism. All the way through the Bible we are told that God hates ' false gods '. Throughout the Bible earthquakes represent God’s judgement. We see here a warning from God that all false gods will soon be removed . . .
ISAIAH 45 v 20-22 - Assemble yourselves & come ; draw near together, ye that are escaped of the nations : they have ' no knowledge ' that set up the wood of their ' graven image ' & pray unto ' a god ' that cannot save. Look unto me & be ye saved , all the ends of the earth : for I am God & there is none else.
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