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BIBLE PROPHECY . . . 2014 in Review
BIBLE PROPHECY is being fulfilled before our eyes !!! The ISIS insurgency continues to ravage Iraq. Now reports ISIS forces are moving in on the huge Haditha Dam , situated on the mighty Euphrates River. Aside from the capital Baghdad , Haditha Dam is the 2nd most important strategic site in Iraq. If ISIS were to take Haditha Dam it could cripple Iraq's agricultural region & literally sever the nation's food & water supply. While the ' drying up of the Euphrates River ' is major symbol in Bible Prophecy of the dissolving of the Ottoman Empire ( post-1918 ) we may soon see its ' literal fulfilment ' heralding the Lord's imminent return to the earth . . .
In the Bible's final book - Revelation - 5 short verses provide a chronologcal timeline of unfolding events at the time of Christ's return the first being 1. the ' drying up of the Euphrates River '. This pivotal event is followed by 2. a period of corrupt ideological ' spirits ' being promolgated by the 3 most influential global identities , unmistakably symbolised in scripture as Russia , the Euro Union & the Catholic Papacy ( Each has come to the forefront of global affairs in recent days ... Co-incidence ?? ) During this period of ideological spirits 3. the Lord Jesus Christ will return ' as a thief ' ( unknown to the world ) to collect His followers for judgment. Finally , 4. ' all nations ' are then gathered together in the Mid-East in preparation for judgment by Christ & His Glorified Saints . . . Read the verses. Judge for yourself
Revelation 16v12-16 - And the sixth angel poured out his vial 1. upon the great river Euphrates & the water thereof was dried up, that the way of the kings of the east ( Middle East ) might be prepared. 2. And I saw three ' unclean spirits like frogs ' come out of the mouth of the Dragon ( Russia ) & out of the mouth of the Beast ( EuroUnion ) & out of the mouth of the False Prophet ( Papal Rome ). For they are the ' spirits of devils ' working miracles , which go forth unto the kings of the earth & of the whole world , to gather them to the battle of that great day of God Almighty. 3. Behold, I come as a thief. Blessed is he that watcheth & keepeth his garments , lest he walk naked & they see his shame. 4. And he gathered them together into a place called in the Hebrew tongue ' Armageddon '
As the fear-some terrorist group ISIS , swallows up vast regions of Syria & Iraq & threatens Jordan , Saudi Arabia & even Israel - many believe this may be the emergence of the first-ever ' Terrorist Nation State ' that will lead to an Islamic Caliphate , the supreme objective of radical Islam. As the world watches the unthinkable brutality & chaos unfolding across the Middle East , the prospect of a new ' global ' empire led by Islamic ' extremists ' would be a frightening outcome. However , God's Word the Bible provides both hope & absolute certainty , such an empire will ' never ' come to pass. On the contrary , the Bible ( with more than 1,000 quotes ) speaks extensively of God's coming ' Kingdom on Earth ' . . . which under the just & all-powerful rulership of the Lord Jesus Christ will conquer & replace all the corrupt kingdoms ' of men ' & usher in an enduring age of ' peace , happiness & godliness ' for all mankind.
Micah 4v1-3 - But IN THE LAST DAYS it shall come to pass , that the mountain of the house of the LORD shall be established in the top of the mountains & it shall be exalted above the hills & people shall flow unto it. And many nations shall come & say , Come & let us go up to the mountain of the LORD & to the house of the God of Jacob ( Israel ) & he will teach us of his ways & we will walk in his paths : for the law shall go forth of Zion & the word of the LORD from Jerusalem . . . & he shall judge among many people & rebuke strong nations afar off & they shall beat their swords into plowshares & their spears into pruninghooks : nation shall not lift up a sword against nation , neither shall they learn war any more.
In just 72 hours . . . IRAQ has been torn apart. With the lightning invasion of Al-Qaeda affiliated ' Sunni ' terrorist group ' ISIS ' storming across northern Iraq , capturing 30+ cities & towns , oil refineries & vast caches of US supplied military weapons & equipment from the fleeing Iraqi army . . . the nation of Iraq is in a state of siege. Over 500,000 people have fled as the sectarian violence between Shi'ites , Sunni's & the Kurds threatens to explode across Iraq. Kurdish militias have reacted by retaking Kirkuk. As the USA mulls over a response, Iran has acted , sending it's feared Republican Guard Al-Quds forces to fortify Iraq's collapsing Shi'ite Govt. Iran's move is a sinister development , a harbinger of a devastating coming invasion ' foretold ' in God's Word
In 2013 , Prophecy News Desk published a video on Iran's coming invasion of Iraq ( based on clear Bible prophecies ). At the time of publishing many questioned the video's validity because - geopolitically - there was ' no reason ' for Iran to invade Iraq , since Iran was already exercising considerable influence & manipulation of Iraq's internal affairs. But God's Word is sure. As Sunni's & Kurds now threaten to topple the Iranian-allied Shi'ite Govt , we are now seeing events that will trigger Iran's coming ' latter-day ' invasion of Iraq - prophesied over 2,500 years ago !! Please watch this video to truly understand these future world events . . . & beyond !!!
Jer 51 v11,28 - 29 - Make ‘ bright ‘ the arrows ( rockets / missiles ) ; gather the shields : the LORD hath raised up ‘ the spirit ‘ of the kings of the Medes ( Iran ) for his device is against Babylon ( IRAQ ) to destroy it , because it is ' the vengeance ' of the LORD . . . Prepare against her ( IRAQ ) the nations , with the kings of the Medes ( Iran ) the captains thereof & all the rulers & all the land of his dominion. The land shall tremble & sorrow : for every purpose ' of the LORD ' shall be performed against Babylon ( IRAQ ) to make the land of Babylon ( IRAQ ) a ' desolation '
Isa 13v17 - Behold , I will stir up the Medes ( Iran ) against them ( IRAQ ) which shall not regard silver & as for gold, they shall not delight in it. Their ( Iran ) bows also shall dash the young men to pieces & they shall have no pity on the fruit of the womb ; their eye shall not spare children. And Babylon ( IRAQ ) the glory of kingdoms … shall be as when God overthrew Sodom & Gomorrah.
TROUBLE IS COMING FOR ISRAEL !! The abortive US-led ' Peace Talks ' are now dead . . . to the north , SYRIA's Bashar al- Assad & his Hezbollah allies have all but defeated the Syrian rebels . . . meanwhile IRAN continues to defy international efforts & push on with its nuclear weapons program . . . & now , Israel's most inveterate enemies - THE PALESTINIANS - have unified their ' warring ' factions to form a ' Unity Government '. After years of bitter division & bloodshed , Mahmoud Abbas & his ' Fatah ' faction have spurned the Israeli-Palestinian Peace Talks , joining forces with Gaza-based rivals ' Hamas ' an internationally-recognised ' terrorist organisation ' whose sworn policy ( openly stated in their charter ) is the ' the destruction of the state of Israel ' . . . a policy Hamas refuses to renounce.
The Palestinian quest for ' statehood ' & East Jerusalem as its capital has always been a deception , a false pretense for the greater goal of extinguishing the Jewish State. Despite his assurances to the international community , by now walking away from any prospect of peace with Israel ( to join with Hamas ) Abbas has made a thinly-veiled statement of ' future intentions '. Having then abandoned ' peace ', Abbas is preparing to use violence & bloodshed to achieve the Palestinian goals. With Israel now surrounded by hostile forces & largely abandoned by its closest ally the USA ( which has assured ' aid & support ' for the new Palestinian Unity Govt ) we're now seeing the fulfilment of Psalm 83. But the Palestinians will soon be utterly destroyed - as foretold in Zephaniah's prophecy
Zep 2v3-5 - Seek ye the LORD, all ye meek of the earth , which have wrought his judgment ; seek righteousness , seek meekness : it may be ye shall be hid in THE DAY OF THE LORD'S anger. For Gaza ( Palestinians ) shall be forsaken & Ashkelon ( Palestinians ) a desolation : they shall drive out Ashdod ( Palestinians ) at the noon day & Ekron ( Palestinians ) shall be rooted up ( ALL ancient Philistine cities ) Woe unto the inhabitants of the sea coast , the nation of the Cherethites ! the word of the LORD is against you ; O Canaan , the land of the Philistines ( Palestinians ) I will even destroy thee , that there shall be no inhabitant.
The 3-Day Papal Tour of Jordan - WestBank - Israel was a major event in the Vatican's ' master - plan ' for global dominion. Every aspect of this whirlwind tour was choreographed to promote interfaith dialogue & Pope Francis' aura as ' the Great Peacemaker ' preparing the way for the Vatican's rise to religious & political primacy. While claiming the tour was " purely religious " the Pope's words & actions ran deep with political intent. Consider this :
1 ) Pope Francis chose both a Jewish Rabbi & an Islamic Imam to travel with him during the trip to underscore the Pope's credentials & standing as the world's pre-eminent ' Peacemaker '.
2 ) He chose to fly ' direct ' from Jordan to the Palestinian-controlled Bethlehem - widely seen as a deliberate show of ' solidarity ' with the Palestinian cause. Never before has a Pope entered into Bethlehem without going through Israel first. The Pope repeatedly backed Palestinians' statehood aspirations , addressing its leader Abbas as the president of the ' State of Palestine ' & calling Abbas a ' man of peace ' even as Abbas forms a ' unity government ' with the Islamic militant / terrorist group Hamas !!
3 ) Pope Francis sparked controversy , when he provocatively stopped to pray at Israel’s controversial West Bank separation barrier. Standing before dozens of journalists & photographers, Francis put a hand on the wall, bowed his head & said a short prayer alongside a section on which “ Free Palestine ” & " Apartheid Wall " was scrawled in graffiti. Later , he also held a private lunch with five Palestinian families who say they have been harmed by Israeli policies. Media events, all ' staged ' by the Vatican to draw attention to Palestinian victimhood & more importantly , to ' demonise ' Israel & isolate the Jewish State internationally.
4 ) The centrepiece of the trip was Pope Francis' meeting & prayer with Patriarch Bartholomew ( spiritual leader of the world’s Orthodox Christians ) to commemorate the 50th anniversary of a similar meeting between their predecessors that ended a 900-year rift between the Catholic - Orthodox Churches. This event further underlining the Pope as a ' transformative peacemaker '
5 ) Fulfilling prophecies in Matthew & Mark - Pope Francis became only the 2nd Pope EVER to enter ' inside ' the Dome of the Rock ( The Holy Place ) confirming he is the ' Abomination of Desolation '. Meeting with Islamic Imam's it was a display of merging Catholic-Muslim Unity & a chance to debate the last practical solutions before a ' final agreement ' can be reached on peace & universal brotherhood under ' One Universal Religion ' of all faiths - led by the Pope - from one throne of authority in Jerusalem
6 ) Finally , Pope Francis injected himself - politically - decrying Israeli-Palestinian peace efforts , declaring “ The time has come to put an end to this situation , which has become increasingly unacceptable ” then instigating his own ' Peace Process ' by issuing a joint invitation to Abbas & President Peres to visit the Vatican on June 6 to ' pray for peace '. A Vatican spokesman said it was a papal peace initiative , based on the Pope's moral & spiritual ' authority ' ( whose fraudulent claim is of being ' the Prince of Peace ' )
As we see these events unfold , the time draws near when THE TRUE ' Prince of Peace ' the Lord Jesus Christ will soon return to collect His faithful followers , before returning with them to execute the long-prophesied judgments against this Apostate system & all its harlot daughters. The 2014 Papal Tour provided one unmistakable ' prophetic sign ' warning of coming trouble on an unprecedented scale . . .
Matthew 24v15,21 - When ye therefore shall see the ' abomination of desolation ' ( Pope ) spoken of by Daniel the prophet STAND IN ' the holy place ' ( whoso readeth , let him understand : ) . . . For THEN shall be great tribulation , such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time , no , nor ever shall be. ( We have ' JUST WITNESSED ' this amazing sign - - Time is short !!! )
May 28 , 2014
Lebanon's Hezbollah terrorist group - armed & financed by close allies Iran & Syria - is central to a coalition of hostile Arab forces who ( fore-told in Psalm 83 ) will seek to destroy the nation of Israel in the ' latter days '. In one of his regular speeches of hatred against Israel , its leader Hassan Nasrallah has just revealed Hezbollah's coming strategy to attack Israel. As Hezbollah continues to fight along side the Syrian Govt to crush the last Syrian rebels in the Golan Heights , Nasrallah said his forces will turn its attack towards Israel . . . exactly as foretold in Isaiah 9. With a ' common goal ' of the destruction of the nation of Israel & the ' freeing of Palestine ' ( Al-Aqsa Intifada ) we will soon see a coalition of Shi'ite Syrian / Hezbollah & Sunni Palestinian military groups launch a devastating attack on Israel , in part through their massive arsenal of 70,000+ stockpiled rockets & missiles. It will be a war where Israel will prevail in the end ( Isaiah 17v1-4 ) but will bring tremendous death & suffering to both sides.
Psa 83v3-5 They have taken ' crafty counsel ' against thy people ( Israel ) & consulted against thy hidden ones. They have said , Come & let us cut them off from being a nation ; that the name of Israel may be no more in remembrance. For they have consulted together with one consent : they are confederate against thee :
Isaiah 9v12 The Syrians before & the Philistines ( Palestinians ) behind & they shall ' devour ' Israel with open mouth.
May 26 , 2014
Bible prophecy is emphatic . . . Libya will be a member of Russia's ' latter-day ' confederacy that will invade the Middle East. So it is not surprising in recent days , that a renegade general Khalifa Hifter has suddenly emerged as a ' strong-man ' who has ousted the Libyan Govt & vowed to use deadly force to arrest control of Libya from Islamic militias. While General Hifter has had past links with the USA , he was also trained extensively in the former Soviet Union. Importantly , both Khalifa & Russia's Vladimir Putin have vehemently sworn their ' highest priority ' is to eradicate radical Islamic groups ( incl. Muslim Brotherhood ). With the USA's ever-widening withdrawal from world affairs , we know with certainty a strategic alliance between Russia & Libya will develop rapidly. With Vladimir Putin already making in-roads into neighbouring Egypt & subverting USA's influence in the region , General Hifter may well be the man to drag Libya out of chaos & into the ' long-prophesied ' alliance with Russia's Gog
Dan 11v40-43 - At the time of the end shall the ' king of the south ' ( UK-USA ) push at him & the ' king of the north ' ( Russia ) shall come against him like a whirlwind , with chariots & with horsemen & with many ships & he shall enter into the countries & shall overflow & pass over. He shall enter also into ' the glorious land ' ( Israel ) many countries shall be overthrown . . . He shall stretch forth his hand also upon the countries: and the land of Egypt shall not escape. But he shall have power over the treasures of gold & of silver & over all the precious things of Egypt : & the LIBYANS & the Ethiopians shall be at his steps.
Fossilised bones of a dinosaur believed to be the ' largest creature ' ever to walk the Earth have been unearthed in Argentina , palaeontologists say. Based on its huge thigh bones , it was 40m (130ft) long & 20m (65ft) tall. Weighing in at 77 tonnes , it was as heavy as 14 African elephants. Scientists believe this new species of titanosaur lived 95 to 100 million years ago , but did it ?? Did you know ?? . . . God's Word - the Bible - vividly described this exact creature indicating this dinosaur actually lived at the same time as man - before the Great Flood. The ' Behemoth ' described in Job 40 " eats grass like an ox " & moved its huge tail " like a cedar " , had bones " like beams of bronze " & its limbs were as " bars of iron ". This cannot be an elephant or a hippo which both have short tails like a pig. It is unmistakably a dinosaur - a type of Brachiosaurus. The next chapter Job 41 mentions the ' Leviathan '. this was also a dinosaur. It was a tall creature that " raiseth himself up " & had a large wake that " makes the sea look white ". It was not a crocodile but more likely a type of Elasmosaurus. This lastest paleontological discovery & the irrefutable Bible evidence just confirm the Bible's truthfulness & authenticity is to be trusted, even in the face of misguided scientific theories
Job 40v15-24 - Take a look at Behemoth , which I made , just as I made you. It eats grass like an ox. See its powerful loins & the muscles of its belly. Its tail is as strong as a cedar. The sinews of its thighs are knit tightly together. Its bones are tubes of bronze. Its limbs are bars of iron. It is a prime example of God’s handiwork & only its Creator can threaten it . . . It lies under the lotus plants , hidden by the reeds in the marsh . . . It is not disturbed by the raging river . . . ' No one ' can catch it off guard or put a ring in its nose & lead it away. ( Indicating it existed when man existed )
' NEWS FLASH ' - Vladimir Putin - Russia's bare-chested testosterone-injected President - leads his team to a crushing victory in a ' charity ' ice-hockey game. Personally scoring a swag of goals himself , the iron-man of world politics put on a ' exhibition ' of his extraordinary sporting prowess & further fed his need for ' cheesey ' staged-propaganda. So justhow many goalsdid the illustrious Russian leader score ?? In a game where only rarely does a player score 3 or 4 goals in a game . . . Vladimir scored an astonishing '6' goals himself !!! Entirely appropriate. In scripture , 6 is the number of Man , the number of imperfection in man's nature & work. Man was created on the sixth day ; six days were given to man to do labor & to toil ; the ' kingdoms of men ' will last 6,000 years & the giant ' Goliath ' of Gath , who with his 6 fingers & 6 toes , stood 6 cubits high& was the ultimate symbol & embodiment of fleshly men. As we witness the rise of a latter-day ' giant ' in the form of Vladimir Putin , we know with absolute certainty , he ( together with his confederate armies ) will also be destroyed - like Goliath - by the Lord Jesus Christ himself.
Daniel 8v23-25 - In the latter time of their kingdom , when the ' transgressors ' are come to the full , a KING of fierce countenance ( Russian Gog ) understanding dark sentences ( ex-KGB Chief ) shall stand up & his power shall be ' mighty ' but not by his own power & he shall destroy wonderfully & shall prosper & practise & shall destroy ' the mighty ' & ' the holy people ' ( Israel ) & through his policy also he shall cause ' craft ' ( deceit ) to prosper in his hand & he shall magnify himself in his heart & ' by peace ' shall destroy many : he shall also stand up against the Prince of princes ( Lord Jesus Christ ) but he shall be broken ' without hand '
A week of ' freak & extreme ' weather events has battered the United States . . . devastating tornados & twisters that killed over 35 people ; terrential rainfall & hail in many regions on a biblical scale ; epic flooding that swept away roads & homes ; raging wildfires in California ; apocalyptic sink-holes swallowing up entire streets & even colossal moving ice-waves described as ' ice-tsunamis '. Is it just co-incidence ?? These cascading events come just as America's top international diplomat , Secretary of State , John Kerry has been caught describing long-standing ally Israel , as an ' apartheid state ' further confirming the Obama Administration's rising hostility towards God's people. As these forces ' of nature ' continue to punish the USA for its abandonment of Israel , we know it's merely a foretaste of greater judgments to come as the Holy One of Israel unleashes his judgments on mankind , before establishing His righteous & eternal kingdom on earth. Keep looking up . . . it is coming !!!
Isa 66v15-18 - Behold , the LORD will come with fire & with his chariots like a whirlwind , to render his anger with fury & his rebuke with flames of fire. For by fire & by his sword will the LORD plead with all flesh & the slain of the LORD shall be many. For I know their works & their thoughts : it shall come , that I will gather all nations & tongues & they shall come & see my glory
Yet another ' Freak Co-incidence ' - or - ' Sign from Above ' ?!? On the eve of an extraordinary ' double canonisation to sainthood ' of two Popes ( John XXIII & John-Paul II ) an enormous over-hanging crucifix monument honoring the late John Paul - has collapsed crushing & killing a 21 y.o. man in northern Italy. This horrifying incident follows a bizarre string of disturbing events plaguing the Vatican . . . 1) the ' freak ' mid-winter Lightning Strike on the Vatican's Sistine Chapel ( just hours after Pope Benedict's sudden resignation ) . . . 2) Pope Francis' Peace Doves being attacked & mauled by a crow & seagull . . . 3) a giant ' rolling stone ' dislodges & destroys a 300 y.o. Vatican-owned villa in north Italy ( very same week of Pope Francis' unprecedented Papal appearance on the cover of the iconic rock music magazine ' The Rolling Stone ' ) So , are all these mystifying events & their unmistakable timing , simply random meaningless events ?? Obviously not !! They are clear warnings of the coming ' divine judgment ' on this apostate religion that ' falsely masquerades ' as God's representatives on earth . . . & all who hold to her ungodly sorceries.
2Thess 2v3-11 - Let no man deceive you by any means : for that day shall not come , except there come a falling away first & that man of sin be revealed , the son of perdition ; Who opposeth & exalteth himself above all that is called God or that is worshipped ; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God , shewing himself that he is God. Remember ye not , that , when I was yet with you , I told you these things ? . . . For the mystery of iniquity doth already work : only he who now letteth will let , until he be taken out of the way. Then shall that wicked be revealed , whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth & shall destroy with the brightness of his coming : Even him whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power & signs & lying wonders & with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish ; because they received not the love of the truth , that they might be saved. For this cause God shall send them strong delusion , that they should believe ' a lie '
April 24 , 2014
The bizarre death of a Catholic pilgrim beneath the collapsed crucifix was God's forewarning of coming divine judgment on this ' false religion ' that has its origins in ' Pagan Worship '. Among the Papacy's most notable symbols of its Pagan roots , is the ' Mitre ' commonly worn upon the heads of Catholic Popes & Bishops. This unusual headdress originated from the worship of the ancient Pagan Fish god , Dagon. In a stunning parallel , scripture vividly describes the demise of the original worshipped statue of Dagon over 2,000 years ago , in the ' exact identical circumstances ' to the fallen crucifix of recent days ( incl. cutting off of both head & hands of both idolatrous statues ) This terrible crucifix incident was no random event. Its an unmistakable warning from Almighty God of the judgments coming upon the Roman Mother Church & those who would partake of her sins
1 Samuel 5v2-5 - When the Philistines took the ark of God, they brought it into the house of Dagon & set it by Dagon & when they of Ashdod arose early on the morrow , behold , Dagon was fallen upon his face to the earth before the ark of the LORD. And they took Dagon & set him in his place ' again ' . And when they arose early on the morrow morning , behold , Dagon was fallen upon his face to the ground before the ark of the LORD ; & the head of Dagon & both the palms of his hands were cut off upon the threshold ; only the stump of Dagon was left to him. Therefore neither the priests of Dagon , nor any that come into Dagon's house , tread on the threshold of Dagon in Ashdod unto this day
April 19 , 2014
Six weeks from its mysterious disappearance & despite the intense efforts of over 26 nations , still no physical trace has been found of this enormous commercial airliner. With never-ending media coverage & conspiracy theories abounding - the world is transfixed by this ever-deepening mystery . . . an event , unprecedented in human history !!! For the lost 239 people & their families , simply unimaginable. But could it be a shadow of a greater mystery to come ?? Imagine for a moment , the sudden & unexplained disappearance of thousands of people , tens of thousands , or perhaps even hundreds of thousands worldwide , from all walks of life , vanished in an instant . . . without a trace !! Add to this , countless graves , mysteriously opened & empty . . . without explanation !! Consider the confusion , the hysteria & the panic that would ensue around the globe , after such a massive & perplexing event. It is a ' REALITY ' that is coming . . . foretold in God's Word , as the Lord Jesus Christ returns to collect His followers. The terrible tragedy of MH-370's mysterious disappearance is a warning to all . . . of these coming events
1Cor 15v51 Behold , I shew you a ' mystery ' ; We shall not all sleep , but we shall all be changed. In a moment , in the twinkling of an eye , at the last trump : for the trumpet shall sound & the dead shall be raised incorruptible & we shall be changed.
John 5v28 Marvel not at this : for the hour is coming , in the which ALL that are in the graves shall hear his voice & shall come forth ; they that have done good , unto the resurrection of life & they that have done evil , unto the resurrection of damnation
Matt 24v39-42 So also shall the coming of the Son of man be. Then shall two be in the field ; one shall be taken & the other left. Two women shall be grinding at the mill ; one shall be taken & the other left. Watch therefore : for ye know not what hour your Lord doth come
April 16 , 2014
The ' Titanic ' was the first. The epic tragedy of this ' un-sinkable ' ship on its maiden voyage being stricken & sent to the bottom of the ocean is now mythical. The apex of man's achievements , it was enigmatic of man's pride , arrogance & avarice. But it was also a ' warning ' of approaching global chaos. Within 2 years of Titanic's sinking , mankind spiralled into the First World War !! In 2012 , exactly 100 years after the Titanic disaster ( just co-incidence ?? ) the state-of-the art luxury cruise ship ' Costa Concordia ' sunk. The ship's name ' Concordia ' was intended to express the wish for " continuing harmony , unity & peace between ' European ' nations " Now ... just 2 years later we see Ukraine , Europe & the world in turmoil & ' on the brink ' of World War 3.
Could the recent ' Sewol ' disaster also hold a deeper significance pointing to the future ?? Incredibly , MV Sewol sunk on April 16 , 08:58 Korea Standard Time ( 23:58 UTC , 15 April 2014 ) the ' 102nd anniversary ' of Titanic's sinking !! Again is it ' just co-incidence ' ?? Further , the vessel's name ' Sewol ' actually means " beyond the world " Given the clear implications of both the Titanic & Costa Concordia disasters , the ' Sewol ' tragedy is a further sign forewarning the passing of ' this world ' & the coming of God's kingdom
2Pet 3v10-12 The day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night ; in the which ' the heavens ' [ earthly political ] shall pass away with a great noise & the elements shall melt with fervent heat , the earth also & the works that are therein shall be burned up. Seeing then that all these things shall be dissolved , what manner of persons ought ye to be in all holy conversation & godliness
April 14-15 , 2014
As the first of Four Blood Moons passes , debate rages between believers & sceptics , whether the 2014 - 2015 Lunar Tetrad is a divine sign of the apocalyptic ' end times '. Remarkably , each of these Blood Moon Lunar Eclipses fall on Jewish ' Holy Days ' but sceptics decry this fact , pointing to the Jewish Calender being based on the lunar cycle. There is also considerable dispute about past Tetrads falling around significant historical events of the Jewish nation , such as the Spanish Inquisition , the 1948 reformation of Israel & the 1967 ' Six-Day ' War. However , there can be ' no dispute ' concerning the massive global increase in earthquake & volcano activity in recent days , clearly foretold in the Blood Moon prophecies of Joel & Acts over 2,500 years ago. These extra-ordinary astronomical events are ' NO ' co-incidence. They are God's warning of geo-political events NOW unfolding ( involving - Russia , Iran , Europe , Western nations & the Middle East ) that will lead to God's divine judgment on mankind
Joel 2v1 Blow ye the trumpet in Zion & sound an alarm in my holy mountain : let all the inhabitants of the land ( Israel ) tremble for ' the day of the LORD ' cometh , for it is nigh at hand v20 But I will remove far off from you ' the northern army ' ( RUSSIA ) v30 I will shew ' wonders ' in the heavens & in the earth ; blood & fire & pillars of smoke. The sun shall be turned into darkness & the moon into blood , BEFORE the great & the terrible ' day of the LORD ' come. And it shall come to pass , that whosoever shall call on the name of the LORD shall be delivered : for in mount Zion & in Jerusalem shall be deliverance.
Earthquakes abound !! As seismic & volcanic events escalate worldwide ( California , Yellowstone , Chile , Peru , Panama , Russia ) we are also witnessing a ' geo-political fault-line ' explode in the Ukraine & Europe. Russia's Vladimir Putin is destabilising the region with the menacing presence of 40-60,000 Russian troops along Ukraine's border & covert Russian-agents fomenting civil unrest & violence within Ukraine's East. The cities of Kharkiv & Donetsk are now in the grip of pro-Russian separatist forces as brawls erupt in Parliament & mobs storm govt buildings & even take hostages. To create more chaos , Russian energy giant Gazprom has hiked Ukraine's gas prices by 70% & demanded immediate payment of Ukraine's $ 2 Billion unpaid account.
Putin's policy of repeatedly warning against infringing the rights of ethnic-Russians is a sinister , calculated ' pre-text ' to justify Russian military intervention . Is it surprising pro-Russian activists are now crying for the intervention of a ' Peace-Maker ' ?? Over 2,500 years ago the Bible foretold this would be ' Gog's ' exact strategy. Putin will continue to use this ' policy ' to annex neighboring states ; undermine & subjugate most of Europe , before turning to the Mid-East & Israel. Its just the beginning !!!
Daniel 8v23 - In the latter time ... a king of fierce countenance , understanding dark sentences , shall stand up & his power shall be mighty but not by his own power & he shall destroy wonderfully & shall prosper & practise & shall destroy ' the mighty ' ( USA ? ) & ' the holy people ' ( Israel ) & thro' his policy he shall cause craft to prosper in his hand & he shall magnify himself in his heart & ' BY PEACE ' shall destroy many : he shall also stand up against the Prince of princes ( Christ ) but he shall be broken without hand
Amid rising tensions between Israel & the Palestinians , US Envoy John Kerry has announced the United States is reviewing its involvement in the Peace Negotiations. Frustrated by the intransigence of both parties , Kerry warned the scheduled 9 month talks are near breaking-point , following Mahmoud Abbas' provocative signing of 15 United Nations applications & treaties in the name of the ' State of Palestine ' ( in defiance of US requests ). In response , Israel retaliated by retracting a committment to a 4th release of Palestinian prisoners , principally terrorists & murderers convicted of atrocities against the state of Israel. As the Peace Process threatens to unravel completely , we know from God's Word these events are a pre-cursor to terrible events , as all nations descend to the Middle East to fight over Jerusalem before the intervention of Christ & the saints to judge the nations
Zech 12v3 - In THAT day , will I make Jerusalem a ' burdensome stone ' for all people : all that burden themselves with IT shall be cut in pieces , though all the people of the earth be ' gathered together ' against IT.
Zec 14v1-3 - Behold , the DAY of the LORD cometh & thy spoil shall be divided in the midst of thee. For I will gather all nations against Jerusalem to battle . . . & half of the city shall go forth into captivity & the residue of the people shall not be cut off from the city. Then shall the LORD go forth & fight against those nations.
For centuries this would have been ' unthinkable '. The Queen of England ( the Leader & Defender of the ' Protestant ' Church of England ) meeting & fellowshipping with the ' Mother of Harlots ' the Roman Catholic Church. For over 500 years no reigning British Monarch has ever had relations with Rome's Apostate Church. Queen Elizabeth is the first. Now like all other leaders of the world she is ' consumating this relationship ' by visiting the Vatican & offering gifts to the Mother Church & it's False Prophet , Pope Francis. Please see our video ' Queen's 60th Jubilee ' which fully explains the depravity of this ' spiritual adultery '
Isa 23v15-17 - It shall come to pass in that day , that Tyre ( Britain ) shall be forgotten seventy years , according to the days of one king ( monarch ) : after the end of seventy years shall Tyre ' sing as an harlot ' . . . & it shall come to pass after the end of seventy years , that the LORD will visit Tyre ( Britain ) & she shall turn to her hire & shall ' commit fornication ' with all the kingdoms of the world upon the face of the earth.
April 2 , 2014
It is the ' biggest movie ' on the planet . . . Amid swirling controversies , the newly released Hollywood Blockbuster ' Noah ' is packing cinemas around the globe. The current world-wide fascination with Biblical movies has been undeniable with the recent productions of ' The Bible ' & ' The Son of God ' but regrettably they're seen as little more than entertainment & the true meaning & understanding are left on the editing room floor. Despite being a box-office smash , ' Noah ' the movie has been widely & justifiably criticised for being distorted & wildly astray from the true Biblical account. The terrible ' modern tragedy ' is the movie's makers , its vast audiences & society at large , fail to understand this bible account has a coming ' real-life sequel ' that will soon overwhelm mankind & culminate in world-wide judgment. God's Word warned repeatedly , that the same social conditions in Noah's time would also precede the Lord's return ( to judge the world ). As we see society failing to heed God's warning & repent of their ways , we know the lesson of Noah will soon be a Global Block-buster . . . just NOT on the ' big screen '
Luke 17v26-30 - As it was in the days of Noah , so shall it be also in the days of the Son of man. They did eat , they drank , they married wives , they were given in marriage , UNTIL the day that Noah entered into the ark & the flood came & destroyed them all. ( NOTE : Eating , drinking & marrying were not sins. It was mankind's ' pre-occupation ' with these things - to the exclusion of God - that was sinful )
Gen 6v11-13 - The earth also was corrupt before God & the earth was filled with violence. And God looked upon the earth & behold , it was corrupt ; for all flesh had corrupted his way ( God's ) upon the earth. And God said unto Noah. The end of all flesh is come before me ; for the earth is filled with violence through them ; & behold , I will destroy them with the earth.
April 2 , 2014
As if , to underline the lesson of Noah . . . The ' very same day ' we post our ' Noah ' article , reports of yet another mass shooting in the endless cycle of gun violence in the United States. This time , 4 dead & 16 injured as a gunman goes on a murderous rampage. The shooting took place at Fort Hood Military base , the ' very same site ' of a similar massacre in 2009 when 13 people were gunned down. Surely , we can see the unmistakable parallel with Noah's day , when mankind's ways were so corrupt , their minds were continually focused on evil & violence toward their fellow man. Today , violence pervades every society & corner of the globe , whether sectarian violence in the Middle East , genocides in Africa , oppression & brutality in North Korea or mass-shootings & urban violence in " civilised " Western nations . . . violence , brutality & corruption are rampant. It is ' a warning ' of the nearness of the coming of ' THE DAY ' of the LORD & judgment on all mankind.
Ezek 7v10-12 - Behold THE DAY , behold , it is come : the morning is gone forth . . . Violence is risen up into a rod of wickedness : none of them shall remain , nor of their multitude , nor of any of theirs : neither shall there be wailing for them. The time is come , THE DAY draweth near : let not the buyer rejoice , nor the seller mourn : for wrath is upon all the multitude thereof.
Why is Vladimir Putin so unrepentant ?!? Since invading Crimea , Russia's stock markets , the ' Rouble ' & foreign investment have been hammered , weakening an already fragile economy. International sanctions layered on top & suspension from the G8 have only drawn ridicule & scorn from Putin. So , as Russia faces increasing isolation & potential economic disaster , how is it Vladimir Putin remains so unbowed & defiant ?? Putin devised his plans long ago to return Russia to a ' military super-power ' announcing in 2012 a $772 Billion expansion of Russia's military ( incl. 2,300 tanks & 78 new warships ) . Now in 2014 , sensing Western weakness , Russia is aggressively reclaiming its former Soviet territories . . . but It will ' not end ' with the Baltic states !! Bible Prophecy 2,500 yrs ago foretold ' economic necessity ' will be the hook that God Himself will use to drag Russia into the Middle East to invade & plunder the riches of many nations , most notably Egypt & Israel. The end of all things is nigh at hand.
Ezek 38v3-8 - Behold , I am against thee O Gog , chief prince of Meshech & Tubal : I will turn thee back & put hooks into thy jaws & I will bring thee forth & all thine army ... even a great company , all of them handling swords , all of them with shield & helmet
Dan 11v40-43 - At the time of the end ... he shall enter into the countries & shall overflow & pass over. He shall enter also into the glorious land ( Israel ) & many countries shall be overthrown. He shall stretch forth his hand also upon the countries & the land of Egypt shall not escape. But he shall have power over the treasures of gold & of silver & over all the precious things of Egypt
March 20 , 2014
For almost two weeks , the world has been ' transfixed ' by the bewildering & tragic events surrounding the disappearance of Malaysian Airlines Flight MH-370. Quite possibly , the greatest international mystery in living memory , this mystifyng event has commanded saturation media coverage , not seen since the 9/11 attacks . So , ' what further danger ' could possibly come from this terrible human tragedy ?? The danger lays within the ' media frenzy ' that has surrounded Flight 370.
In 2014 , seismic events are taking shape that threaten to set the world on fire , yet media coverage of these events has been limited due to the suffocating nature of the Flight 370 media blitz. While significant air-time has been given to the international crisis over Russia's lawless annexation of Crimea & the feeble response by the Western allies , more obscured has been the troubling nature of the ' nuclear talks ' between Iran & the P5+1 : the deteriorating Israeli-Palestinian Peace Talks ; the escalating violence & chaos in Syria , in Iraq , in Libya , in Lebanon , in Turkey & in Egypt's Sinai ; all threaten to turn the region into a fireball of conflict. Beyond these geopolitical crises , fears are growing concerning the world's two largest economies - USA & China - with emerging data indicating catastrophic melt-downs may be on the horizon. Is it just a ' bizarre co-incidence ' all these climaxing scenarios come on the ' 100 th anniversary ' of the 1914 Great War ?? While the mystery of Flight 370 is compelling , it is nevertheless blinding people to emerging events ( foretold in God's Word ) that will soon overwhelm all mankind.
March 16 , 2014
The latter-day Russian juggernaut is underway. As the world watches nervously as Vladimir Putin menacingly swallows up Crimea Western leaders stand-by like spectators too fearful to offer any meaningful resistance other than hollow protests & limp sanctions. With the spineless Western response , Putin knows the region is now his oyster . . . so the question is ' who is next ' ?? Evidence is growing , Putin is positioning his forces in readiness to push into East Ukraine & take possession of its lucrative resources & extensive infrastructure. Many , geopolitical experts also fear other Baltic states Latvia , Estonia & Lithuania may be in Putin's sights. But could Vladimir Putin ' blind-side ' the West & move south against Turkey ?? God's Word is very clear . . . when Russia invades the Middle East , Turkey will be a part of Russia's latter-day confederacy. Geographically & strategically - Turkey is Russia's ' gateway ' to the Middle East. With Turkey recently descending into political & social chaos , could Putin engineer a geo-political masterstroke , with a military / political intervention in an increasingly unstable Turkey & secure his ( prophesied ) path to the alluring riches of the Middle East ?? Whether now - or - down the track . . . these events will come !!!
Ezek 38v3-8 - I am against thee O Gog , the chief prince of Meshech & Tubal : I will turn thee back & put hooks into thy jaws & I will bring thee forth & all thine army , even a great company Persia (Iran) , Ethiopia & Libya with them, Gomer & all his bands ; the house of Togarmah ( TURKEY ) of the north quarters & all his bands & many people with thee. Be thou prepared & prepare for thyself , thou & all thy company that are assembled unto thee & be thou a guard unto them. After many days thou shalt be visited, in the latter years thou shalt come into the land that is brought back from the sword & is gathered out of many people , against the mountains of Israel
Israeli commando's seizure of a ' Gaza-bound ' vessel packed with smuggled Iranian weaponry - including 40 ' advanced ' M-302 missiles , 181 mortar shells & 400,000 bullets - should have shocked the world. It did not. Few nations even condemned the illicit haul , prompting Israeli PM Netanyahu to blast western leaders for turning a blind eye to Iran's sinister activities. Meanwhile any building development in the West Bank by Israel continues to invoke immediate & severe condemnation by the international community. As Iran continues to finance & smuggle weapons to multiple terror groups encircling Israel , this frightening weapons seizure exposes the facade of Iran's ' Peace Talks ' with the West & warns of ' dark events ' soon to befall the nation of Israel.
Psalm 83v2-7 - Thine enemies make a tumult & they that hate thee have lifted up the head. They have taken crafty counsel against thy people ( Israel ) & consulted against thy hidden ones. They have said, Come & let us cut them off from being a nation that the name of Israel may be no more in remembrance. For they have consulted together with one consent : they are confederate against thee. The tabernacles of Edom ( Arabs ) & the Ishmaelites ( Arabs ) of Moab ( Jordan ) & the Hagarenes ( Egypt ) Gebal ( Lebanon ) & Ammon (Jordan) & Amalek ( Jordan ) the Philistines ( Palestinians ) with the inhabitants of Tyre ( Lebanon )
As the US-led Mid-East Peace Process nears the end of its scheduled 9 month term , Mr Netanyahu under intense pressure from the U.S , world leaders & a growing international agenda of Boycott , Divestment & Sanctions against Israel , has conceded he is prepared to give up significant tracts of the West Bank ( incl. Jewish settlements ) to the Palestinians in exchange for peace. However the ' sticking point ' remains Jerusalem. Palestinians refuse to accept any deal that does not include half the Holy City. Israel's Govt. has resisted any such concession , but will Israel buckle under immense international pressure ?? The stage is set as Jerusalem becomes a global controversy & all nations will soon gather round her . . . to battle. Exactly as the Bible foretold.
Zechariah 12v2-9 - Behold , I will make Jerusalem ' a cup of trembling ' unto all the people round about , when they shall be in the siege both against Judah & against Jerusalem. In THAT day will I make Jerusalem a ' burdensome stone ' for all people : all that burden themselves with IT shall be cut in pieces , though all the people of the earth be gathered together against it. And it shall come to pass in THAT day that I will seek to destroy all the nations that come against Jerusalem.
VLADIMIR PUTIN --- 2014 ' NOBEL PEACE PRIZE ' NOMINEE . . . ( Really ?!?!? )
Quite amazing !! Among the most brutal & ruthless dictators on the planet , Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin has been officially named as a ' nominee ' for the 2014 Nobel Peace Prize. All this despite Putin being widely recognised as : 1) not only ignoring the Syrian Govt's atrocities against its people but also supplying the murderous Assad Govt with over $1 Billion in weapons in 2013 & 2) supporting & protecting the world's largest state-sponsor of terrorism , Iran. Incredibly , even Putin's recent lawless invasion of Ukraine , has not disqualified him from being eligible for this global peace prize. Written over 2,500 yrs ago , God's Word clearly foretold this coming world dictator would use a cloak ' of peace ' as a means of achieving his ambition & " destroying many ".
Daniel 8v23 - In the latter time ... a king of fierce countenance understanding dark sentences , shall stand up & his power shall be mighty but not by his own power & he shall destroy wonderfully & shall prosper & practise & shall destroy the mighty ( USA ? ) & the holy people ( Israel ) & thro' his policy he shall cause craft to prosper in his hand & he shall magnify himself in his heart & BY PEACE shall destroy many : he shall also stand up against the Prince of princes ( Christ ) but he shall be broken without hand
Bible Prophecy is unfolding before our eyes , as we witness ' the beginnings ' of the final empire of man. As Vladimir Putin seizes control of the Ukraine , the US & EU idly watch , offering only feeble & ineffective protests. Obama's US is disinterested & the EU is toothless because Russia has a stranglehold over most of her critical gas supply. Already , the EU's powerhouse Germany ( which relies on Russia for 40% of it's gas ) has refused to consider ' any ' sanctions against Russia , despite its lawless invasion of Ukraine. Even Britain has backed away from trade & financial sector sanctions , fearing financial & property markets could plunge. With this crippling leverage , an emboldened Putin ( latter-day Russian ' Gog ' ) in the days ahead will sweep all before him as he welds together a Russian-Euro-Iranian alliance. God's Word foretells unmistakably , Russia's Confederacy will soon sweep into the Mid-East , invading many nations ( incl. Iraq ) en-route to the Holy Land ( Israel ) before the return of the Lord Jesus Christ
** Please view our VIDEO on ' Putin-Russia ' & see in exact detail Russia's shocking ' future moves ' clearly revealed in Bible Prophecy
Jeremiah 50v41-44 - Behold , a people shall come from the north , a great nation ( Russia ) & many kings ( Iran & Euro nations ) shall be raised up from the coasts of the earth. They shall hold the bow & the lance : they are cruel & will not shew mercy : their voice shall roar like the sea & they shall ride upon horses , every one put in array , like a man to the battle , against thee , O daughter of Babylon ( Iraq ). The king of Babylon ( Iraq ) hath heard the report of them & his hands waxed feeble : anguish took hold of him & pangs as of a woman in travail. Behold , he ( Russian Gog ) shall come up like a lion from the swelling of Jordan ( River ) unto the habitation of the strong ( Israel ) : but I will make them ( Russia & Euro nations ) suddenly run away from her ( Israel ) : & who is a chosen man ( . . . Christ ) that I may appoint over her ? for who is like me ? ( . . . Christ ) & who will appoint me the time ? & who is that shepherd ( . . . Christ ) that will stand before me ?
Despite a policy of non-involvement in the neighbouring Syrian War , on Feb 24 Israel made a rare ( & possibly fateful ) incursion into the conflict deploying 2 fighter jets into Syrian-Lebanese territory to destroy Russian-made SS-21 missile installations. Israel had little choice. With the raging Syrian conflict , the Syrian-Lebanon border has become a major corridor for lethal weapons , munitions & smuggling networks between Hezbollah & the Syrian military. Increasingly , the border is a busy hive of legions of international Shiite mercenaries , arriving in ever larger numbers from outside the region. Hezbollah has opened European recruiting centers for the Syrian war effort in Bulgaria, Hungary, Albania & Kosovo. With these growing threats to the north , Israel is on a constant state of alert. Israel's strike on Hezbollah's missiles keeps with its policy of pre-emptive action but has drawn immediate threats of retaliation from Syria & Hezbollah. As Assad's regime continue to pound rebel forces & gain the upper hand , will this air-strike be a catalyst for the coming Syrian-Palestinian war against Israel foretold in Isaiah 9 ??
Isaiah 9v12-16 - The SYRIANS before & the Philistines ( Palestinians ) behind ; they shall devour Israel with open mouth. For all this his anger ( God's ) is not turned away , but his hand is stretched out still. For the people ( Jews ) turneth not unto him that smiteth them , neither do they seek the LORD of hosts. Therefore the LORD will cut off from Israel head & tail , branch & rush , in one day . . . For the leaders of this people ( Israel ) cause them to err & they that are led of them are destroyed.
The streets of Kiev are a blood-soaked war-zone. Ukraine is now a geopolitical fault line btwn East vs. West that could explode into anarchy. The chaos is the culmination of Vladimir Putin's threats & financial enticements to rein-in this former Soviet-state , which is the ' crown jewel ' in his plan to rebuild the 'Greater Russia' of former times. While luring the debt ridden state with $15+ Billion financial aid , Putin's ever-present threat to cut off all Ukraine's gas supplies ( & freeze the state into subjugation ) remains. A tenuous truce has momentarily halted the bloodshed , but Ukraine's economy is in tatters , with a run on banks & ATM's by its panicked citizens & ratings agencies predicting it will default on its debt within 12mths , Russia's noose will only tighten on Kiev. As he strives against the West , Putin will not relent. He will continue to build his ' latter-day ' confederacy & prepare for his final descent into the Middle East ( as fore-told in Bible Prophecy ) Now we await ' the formation ' of the Russian ~ Catholic EU alliance.
Ezek 38v3-8 - Behold , I am against thee O Gog , the chief prince of Meshech & Tubal : I will turn thee back & put hooks into thy jaws & I will bring thee forth & all thine army ... even a great company Persia, Ethiopia & Libya with them, Gomer & all his bands ; the house of Togarmah of the north quarters & all his bands & many people with thee. Be thou prepared & prepare for thyself , thou & all thy company that are assembled unto thee & be thou ' a guard ' unto them. After many days thou shalt be visited, in the latter years thou shalt come into the land that is brought back from the sword & is gathered out of many people , against the mountains of Israel
Yet another sign !!! In scripture the earth opening up & swallowing people ( or objects ) is a symbol of ' divine judgment ' of the wicked & ungodly. So just ' what are the chances ' in a vast nation the size of the United States of America , a ' freak ' sinkhole opens up right under the U.S ' National ' Corvette Museum dedicated to arguably the most revered & idolised ' muscle car ' on the planet ?? In an age when mankind is consumed by ' materialism ' & the worship of ' the work of man's hands ' ( almost to the total exclusion of God ) was this a message from above , warning of ' coming judgment ' on mankind & his materialistic idolatry ?? Eight rare Corvette sportscars were devoured by the 40 ft sinkhole. Interestingly , in the Bible record the number ' 8 ' represents ' change -or- a new beginning '. Could this disaster at the ' altar of man's worship ' signal God's judgment & his coming kingdom
Num 16v30 - But if the LORD make a new thing & the earth open her mouth & swallow them up , with all that appertain unto them , & they go down quick into the pit ; then ye shall understand that these men have provoked the LORD.
Deut 11 v 6-9 : . . . how the earth opened her mouth & swallowed them up & their households & their tents & all the substance that was in their possession , in the midst of all Israel : But your eyes have seen all the great acts of the LORD which he did. Therefore shall ye keep all the commandments which I command you this day , that ye may be strong & go in & possess ' the land ' ( God'sKingdom ) , whither ye go to possess it.
February 11 , 2014
A Peace Tsunami ?? Just in recent days , a flood of nations have suddenly begun engaging in ' Peace Talks ' with long-standing enemies - in many cases setting aside ' decades ' of hostility. With the on-again / off-again Israel-Palestinian ' Peace negotiations ' in advanced stages & the UN-sponsored Syrian Peace Conference grinding away , other protagonists such as China & Taiwan / North Korea & South Korea / Greek & Turkish Cypriots / South Sudan Govt & rebels & even bitter Palestinian rival factions Hamas & Fatah - have all inexplicably launched into their own regional ' Peace Talks '. As these various nations & peoples rush to seek ' peace ' we know their efforts will fail. God's Word is clear : this ' rush ' to secure peace is a prophetic latter-day ' sign ' warning of coming war & chaos , invoking the Almighty's judgment on the nations.
1Thess 5v1-6 - But of the times & the seasons , brethren , ye have no need that I write unto you. For yourselves know ' perfectly ' that ' the day of the Lord ' so cometh as a thief in the night. For when they shall say ' PEACE & SAFETY ' . . . then ' sudden destruction ' cometh upon them , as travail upon a woman with child & they shall not escape. But ye , brethren , are not in darkness that ' that day ' should overtake you as a thief . . . Therefore let us not sleep , as do others ; but let us watch & be sober
The most ' expensive ' Olympics in history . . . BY FAR !!! An astonishing $51 Billion has been spent on the Sochi Games - more than 4 times any previous Olympic event. Its a colossal statement of personal ( & national ) pride by Vladimir Putin to the world saying " Russia is back !! " But it's a false facade the nation cannot afford. Putin - already one of the wealthiest men on the planet , is profiting personally on a massive scale from Sochi's giant contract works from corrupt kickbacks. More seriously , Russia's economy is tanking , with a 2012 GDP rate of 3.2% this collapsed by over 50% in 2013 to just 1.5% , while corruption is rampant in both govt & business & unrest & strife is widespread in the northern caucuses. Russia's only lifeline is it's near total reliance on it's struggling oil & gas exports & why very soon a desparate ( but ' emboldened ' ) Putin will seek ' a spoil ' in the Mid-East
Daniel 8v23 - In the latter time , a king of fierce countenance , understanding dark sentences ( ex-KGB Chief ) shall stand up & his power shall be mighty but not by his own power & he shall destroy wonderfully & shall prosper & practise & shall destroy the mighty & the holy people ( Israel ) & thro' his policy he shall cause craft to prosper in his hand & he shall magnify himself in his heart & by peace shall destroy many : he shall also stand up against the Prince of princes ( Christ ) but he shall be broken without hand
Global investors are fleeing the markets in 2014. With January the ' worst ' single month since 2009 , world markets continue to slide as fears grow of a looming perfect storm. Markets are being swamped by troubling economic data - slow-downs in the US , China & emerging markets , low corporate earnings & exploding government debt , forewarn of an approaching world-wide financial crisis - which world leaders are ' powerless ' to stop. More worrying , US stocks are bizarrely mirroring almost identical movements as the market just before the cataclysmic 1929 Crash , which preceded ' the Great Depression '. To see for yourself just ' CLICK ' on the 1929-2014 chart. God's Word is sure & it describes this coming global chaos & even explains why !!!
Isaiah 24 v1-6 - The LORD maketh THE EARTH empty & maketh it waste & turneth it upside down & scattereth abroad the inhabitants thereof. It shall be . . . as with the people , so with the priest ; as with the servant , so with his master ; as with the maid , so with her mistress ; as with the buyer , so with the seller ; as with the lender , so with the borrower ; as with the taker of usury , so with the giver of usury to him. The land shall be utterly emptied & utterly spoiled : for the LORD hath spoken this word. THE EARTH mourneth & fadeth away , THE WORLD languisheth & fadeth away , the ' haughty ' people of the earth do languish. THE EARTH also is defiled under the inhabitants thereof ; because . . . they have transgressed the laws ; changed the ordinance , broken the everlasting covenant. Therefore hath ' THE CURSE ' [ nuclear war ] devoured the earth & they that dwell therein are desolate : therefore the ' inhabitants of the earth ' are BURNED [ nuclear war ] & few men left
January 28 , 2014
❶ In less than 12 mths , Pope Francis has ' taken the world by storm '. Unlike any Papal predecessor, Francis has literally become a global ' Rock Star '. Recently named Time Magazine's 2013 Person of the Year , this week he became the first -ever Pope to be featured on the cover of the iconic music magazine ' Rolling Stone '. Add to this , the Pontiff has even ascended to ' Super-Hero ' status as ' Super Pope ' graffiti has appeared on the streets of the Vatican. The mural of this fist-pumping ' white-caped crusader ' was actually approved by the Vatican , which even ' tweeted out ' a photo. It is ' a sign ' of the global popularity & increasing political influence this False Prophet will soon wield , as world leaders & the nations are deceived by this apostate Man of Sin.
2Thess 2v3-11 - Let no man deceive you by any means : for that day shall not come , except there come a falling away first & that man of sin be revealed , the son of perdition ; Who opposeth & exalteth himself above all that is called God or that is worshipped ; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God , shewing himself that he is God. Remember ye not , that , when I was yet with you , I told you these things ? . . . For the mystery of iniquity doth already work : only he who now letteth will let , until he be taken out of the way. Then shall that wicked be revealed , whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth & shall destroy with the brightness of his coming : Even him whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power & signs & lying wonders & with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish ; because they received not the love of the truth , that they might be saved. For this cause God shall send them strong delusion , that they should believe a lie :
❷ Freak Event - or - Fore-warning ?? A 300 y.o building in northern Italy - owned by the Catholic Church - has been destroyed after a ' giant stone ' dislodged in a rockfall , causing millions of euros in damage. First reported on Jan 28 , ( Within just hours of the Rolling Stone magazine's announcement ) this bizarre 4,000 cubic metre rock fall occurred in the same week , the same tiny nation & directly impacted the same religious system !! Co-incidence ?? Miraculously ( & mercifully ) nobody was killed or injured in this event - but just like the Feb 2013 Russian Meteor ( when 1,500 ppl were injured but no-one killed ) these events prefigure a coming global event , when the biblical ' Stone Power ' ( Lord Jesus Christ ) will return to destroy the corrupt rule of the ' kingdoms of men ' as clearly foretold in Daniel Chapter 2. How great are his signs !! & how mighty are his wonders !!
Mat 21v42-44 - The stone which the builders rejected , the same is become the head of the corner . . . The kingdom of God shall be taken from you & given to a nation bringing forth the fruits thereof & whosoever shall fall on this stone shall be broken : but on whomsoever it shall fall , it will grind him to powder.
Rev 18v21-24 - And a mighty angel took up ' a stone ' like a great millstone & cast it into the sea , saying , Thus with violence shall that great city Babylon ( Rome / Vatican ) be thrown down & shall be found no more at all . . . for by thy sorceries were ' all nations ' deceived & in her was found the blood of prophets & of saints & of all that were slain upon the earth.
As tens of thousands of people watched Pope Francis with two young children release a pair of white doves from an open window as a ' peace ' gesture , moments later two birds - a large black crow & a seagull - swept down & attacked the doves. A distinctly ' bad look ' & quite inconvenient for the man who supposedly has a direct line of communication with God himself !! It's a ' Sign from above ' that the Vatican's endless calls for ' Peace ' are meaningless. The old testament book of Chronicles spoke both historically & prophetically of the coming ' absence of peace ' & the vexations soon to befall Israel & ALL mankind
2Chron 15v3-7 Now for a ' long season ' Israel hath been without the ' true ' God & without a teaching priest & without law.
But when they ( Jews ) in ' their trouble ' ( coming soon ) did turn unto the LORD God of Israel & sought him , he was found of them. In those times there was ' NO PEACE ' to him that went out , nor to him that came in , but ' great vexations ' were upon ALL the inhabitants of the countries . Nation was destroyed of nation & city of city : for God did ' vex them ' with all adversity.
Be ye strong therefore & let not your hands be weak : for your work shall be rewarded : )
January 23 , 2014
In a move that has ' shocked ' the US & Israel , Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas has abandoned the Mid-East Peace Process four months early , after secret talks with Russian President Vladimir Putin in Moscow. This sudden defection , to unilaterally seek Russian backing for Palestinian Statehood is described as " diplomatic intifada " against Israel & includes intergovernment agreements to grant Russia access to lucrative gas fields in the region. The deal is a ' coup ' for Putin , having out-manouevred the US & Western interests in Iran , Syria & now the Palestinian bid for statehood. Was this dramatic visit to Moscow by Abbas ' the visit ' foretold in Ezekiel 38 , as Russia's Gog now thinks ' an evil thought ' & prepares for a descent into the Middle East ??
Ezekiel 38v7-9 - Be thou prepared & prepare for thyself , thou & all thy company that are assembled unto thee & be thou ' a guard ' unto them. After many days thou shalt be visited : in the ' latter years ' thou shalt come into the land ( Israel ) that is brought back from the sword & is gathered out of many people , against the mountains of Israel , which have been always waste : but it is brought forth out of the nations & they shall dwell safely all of them. Thou shalt ascend & come like a storm , thou shalt be like a cloud to cover the land , thou & all thy bands & many people with thee.
A potentially catastrophic ' debt crisis ' is looming in Russia. The Kremlin for the past 5 years has been spreading ballooning debt on its 83 regional governments to ensure the ' federal govt ' has a strong , healthy financial position ( with small budget deficits & strong currency reserves ). Fears are now growing , these debts are so high & unmanageable ( $35 billion in 2010 → $78 billion in 2014 → $105 billion projected in 2015 ) , they pose a threat to the Russian Govt's stability & its control of these regional principalities. Of the 83 regions , 63 are expected to need a federal ' bail-out ' or face default. Facing this imminent crisis , Russia will be forced to seek a dark & sinister solution ' abroad ' as fore-told in God's Word over 2,500 years ago !!
Eze 38v4-6 - Thus saith the Lord GOD ; Behold , I am against thee , O Gog , the chief prince of Meshech & Tubal . . . . And I will turn thee back & put hooks into thy jaws & I will bring thee forth , & all thine army, horses & horsemen , all of them clothed with all sorts of armour , even a great company with bucklers & shields , all of them handling swords : Persia ( Iran ) , Ethiopia ( Sudan ) & Libya with them ; all of them with shield & helmet : Gomer & all his bands ; the house of Togarmah ( Turkey ) of the north quarters & all his bands & ' many ' people with thee . . . v11 To take a ' SPOIL ' & to take a ' PREY ' . . .
January 16 , 2014
Could it be yet another ' Sign from above ?? ' Rio de Janeiro's iconic ' Christ the Redeemer ' monument has been struck by lightning . . . ' damaging ' the statue's right thumb. Officals say - while the statue is struck on average 3-to-5 times a year - the damage was sustained during a severe storm that unleashed over 40,000 lightning strikes , among the highest since 1999.
Exo 20v4 - Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above or that is in the earth beneath or that is in the water under the earth
Act17v29-31 - We ought not to think that the Godhead is like unto gold , or silver , or stone , graven by art & man's device & the times of ' this ignorance ' God winked at ; but NOW commandeth all men everywhere to repent because he hath appointed A DAY , in the which he will judge the world in righteousness
After years of vile & threatening rhetoric from Iran's President Ahmadinejad , Western leaders have been falling over themselves to restore ties & cut deals with Iran's new smiling President , Hassan Rouhani. This double-tongued former ' chief negotiator ' for Iran , has carefully crafted a warm , kindly persona to Western media & is Iran's ' weapon of stealth ' lulling world leaders into lifting economic sanctions & duping the west with a ' master deception ' over it's secretive nuclear program. It is the prelude to Iran's coming invasion of Iraq ( en-route to Israel & Jerusalem ) - all fore-told in Bible Prophecy over 2,500 years ago.
Isa 21v2-9 - A grievous vision is declared unto me ; the ' treacherous dealer ' dealeth treacherously & ' the spoiler ' spoileth. Go up, O Elam ( Iran ) : besiege O Media ( Iran ) . . . Therefore are my loins filled with pain : pangs have taken hold upon me ( Israel ) as the pangs of a woman that travaileth . . . Prepare the table , watch in the watchtower , eat , drink : arise , ye princes & anoint the shield. For thus hath the Lord said , Go , set a watchman , let him declare what he seeth . . . And he cried , Behold , here cometh a chariot of men , with a couple of horsemen. And he answered & said , BABYLON ( Iraq ) is fallen , is fallen
January 10 , 2014
SIGNS IN THE HEAVENS . . . The ' Hand of God '
A stunning image of a pulsar wind nebula known as the ' Hand of God ' has been captured by US space agency NASA's Nuclear Spectroscopic Telescope Array (NuSTAR). The photograph captured by the telescope shows the nebula 17,000 light-years away, which is powered by a dead , spinning star called PSR B1509-58. So is ' the timing ' of this sign in the heavens a surprise , as we witness God's Hand clearly working among the nations in recent days ?? From the Israeli-Palestinian Peace Talks , to the bizarre death of Israel's iconic ex-PM Ariel Sharon ; apocalyptic weather events in UK , US & Europe ; rising fear & turmoil in the Middle East & the dark spectre of Russia's emerging power , ALL these remarkable events ( ALL foretold in God's Word ) serve as a warning ' to the world ' of the coming ' Time of Trouble ' & God's judgment on the nations.
Prov 1v24-28 - I have stretched out ' my hand ' & no man regarded ; But ye have set at nought all my counsel & would none of my reproof : I also will laugh at your calamity ; I will mock when your fear cometh ' as desolation ' & your destruction cometh ' as a whirlwind ' ; when distress & anguish cometh upon you.
Jer 25v15 - Thus saith the LORD God of Israel . . . Take the wine cup of this fury at ' my hand ' & cause ALL the nations to whom I send thee , to drink it. They shall drink & be moved & be mad , because of ' THE SWORD ' that I will send among them.
January 3 , 2014
❶ US Secretary of State John Kerry returns to the region for the 10th time in under a year , armed with a new proposed framework for brokering a peace deal between Israel & the Palestinians. Hopes of a historic break-through remain dim as both parties appear far from any agreement on core issues , most critically , the future status of Jerusalem & the West Bank borders ; with Israel increasingly isolated , facing a threat of boycott by Euro nations & under pressure from the U.S. & U.N.
Zech 12v2 - Behold , I will make JERUSALEM ( ' ARIEL ' ) a ' cup of trembling ' unto all the people round about . . . In that day will I make JERUSALEM a ' burdensome stone ' for all people : all that burden themselves with it shall be cut in pieces, though ALL the people of the earth be gathered together against it
January 3 , 2014
❷ Co-incidence ? Just as the MidEast Peace talks intensify extreme weather has gripped nations over much of the developed world. The UK & Europe have been wracked in recent days by wave after wave of severe storms bringing historic winter blasts , storm surges & epic flooding. Meanwhile USA & Canada have suffered massive snowstorms , record freezing temperatures , causing many deaths & leaving the nations in gridlock & chaos. It is a foretaste of the ravages of the coming global storm !!
Isa 29v6-8 - Thou shalt be visited of the LORD with thunder & with earthquake & great noise , with STORM & TEMPEST & the flame of devouring fire. The multitude of all the nations that fight against ARIEL ( JERUSALEM ) even ALL that fight against her & that distress her, shall be as a dream of a night vision ... so shall the multitude of all the nations be that fight against Mt Zion
❸ Co-incidence AGAIN ?!? Just as the controversy of JERUSALEM ( 'ARIEL' ) ignites a global storm , Israel's legendary former Prime Minister Ariel Sharon - who has been in a ' coma ' for 8 years - is suffering critical multi-organ failure. Despite being a long-time 'hard-liner' against offering land for peace , in 2005 he directed a total withdrawal of Israeli troops from Gaza for the first time in 38 yrs. In January '06 , just as was he planning to cede parts of the WestBank Mr.Sharon suffered a massive stroke
Isa 29v1-10 - Woe to Ariel ( JERUSALEM ) the city where David dwelt ! Yet I will distress Ariel & there shall be heaviness & sorrow : it shall be unto me as Ariel ... For the LORD hath poured out upon you the spirit of deep sleep & hath closed your eyes : the prophets & your rulers , the seers hath he covered. The vision of all , is become unto you as the words of a book that is sealed
( 2013 )