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Sign of  ' End-Times '  Judgment

Published . . . November 7, 2015

A  ' MUST READ '  in  2022 !!!


Our world is ' in a spin ' !!! . . . LITERALLY !!!   But few people are aware of the urgency & enormity of the ' biblical signs ' God is sending as a warning to this untoward generation.  Amongst the most dire warning signs in recent times is the increasingly extreme weather world-wide !!!  While many sceptics & non-believers simply point to ' climate change ' theories , the real facts ( unseen by many )  show otherwise !!  Please read to the end . . . to discover the truth.


The past twelve months  ( 2015 )  have seen an extra-ordinary number of cyclonic storms around the globe, whether Hurricances , Typhoons or Cyclones.  There is a clear reason for this . . . & it's NOT ' Global Warming ' !!!  Rather it is a ' GLOBAL WARNING ' . . . from God Himself !!!  According to the Jewish calender the  YEAR 5775  ( 25 Sept 2014 - to - 13 Sept 2015 )  is the  ' YEAR OF THE WHIRLWIND '  as represented by its trailing two digits  '  70  '  ( 'Ayin '  - " eye -or- to see " )  &  ' 5 ' ( ' Hei ' - " God's breath -or- creative power " ).  The significance of this year is therefore is to  ' behold '  or  ' see '  the prophetic operation of God's divine power from the ' breath of His mouth ' to execute His judgments in the form of the WHIRLWIND  &  the STORM.



So in 2015 , what  ' apocalyptic event '  does this sudden rise in global ' WHIRLWINDS ' foreshadow ??  In scripture, references to destructive natural events such as earthquakes, volcanic eruptions , storms , great hail  &  whirlwinds are consistently used as symbols of ' divine judgment '.  However God's Word seems be ' at pains ' to tell us that the  " whirlwind "  will have particular importance in the end-times / last days !!! 


Consider carefully the following ' parallel ' verses  . . . 


Jeremiah 23 v 19-20   -  " Behold  ,  a ' WHIRLWIND of the LORD ' is gone forth in fury , even a  grievous whirlwind :

it shall fall grievously upon the head of the wicked . . .

The  anger of the LORD  shall not return, until he have executed, and till he have performed the thoughts of his heart :

in  THE LATTER DAYS  . . .  ye shall consider it  perfectly "


Jeremiah 30 v 23-24   -  " Behold , the  ' WHIRLWIND of the LORD '  goeth forth with fury , a continuing whirlwind :

it shall fall with pain upon the head of the wicked . . . 


The  fierce anger of the LORD  shall not return , until he have done it , and until he have performed the intents of his heart

. . .  in  THE LATTER DAYS  ye shall consider it "

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So these end-times  " WHIRLWINDS "  are a metaphor for ' a judgment ' that is to take place in the ' LATTER ( or last ) DAYS '.  But as a metaphor , WHAT global event does it foreshadow ??  You may be surprised to know this cataclysmic event  ( repeatedly fore-told in God's Word over 2,500 years ago !!! ) that will soon sweep across the globe & engulf many nations , HAS ALREADY BEGUN . . . only a matter of weeks ago !!!    ( in 2015 )



In the many bible prophecies that unmistakably identify RUSSIA as the great ' northern army ' of the last days , we find clear & specific references likening the end-times ' King of the North ' & his invading army to the devastatingly destructive power of a ' whirlwind '  . . .  


Daniel 11 v 40-41  -  " And at the  ' TIME OF THE END shall the  King of the South  push at him : 

and the  King of the North ( Russia )  shall come against him ' LIKE A WHIRLWIND '

with chariots and with horsemen, and with many ships ;

and he shall enter into the countries, and shall overflow and pass over. 

He shall enter also into the  glorious land ( Israel ) , and many countries shall be overthrown "


Jeremiah 4 v 13   -  " Behold , he ( Russian ' Gog ' ) shall come up  as clouds 

and his chariots shall be  AS A WHIRLWIND :  his horses are swifter than ' eagles ' "


So this tempestuous , destroying storm in the form of a ' WHIRLWIND ' will overthrow ' many nations ' & ultimately invade Israel.  Even if we look to the apocalyptic events of  Ezekiel Ch.38  the prophet describes the invading Russian confederacy in these exact terms . . .


Ezekiel 38 v 8-9  -  " In THE LATTER YEARSthou ( Russian ' Gog ' )  shalt come into the land  ( Israel )

that is brought back from the sword, and is gathered out of many people,

against the mountains of  Israel ,  which have been always waste :

but it is brought forth out of the nations , and they shall dwell safely all of them.

Thou shalt ascend and come ' LIKE A STORM ', thou shalt be ' LIKE A CLOUD ' to cover the land,

thou , and all thy bands , and many people with thee. "

The link between the ' WHIRLWIND &  the end-times Russian confederacy  is further confirmed in two verses in the old testament Prophecy of Jeremiah.   Consider the stunning parallels . . .  the second verse decoding & revealing the meaning of the first verse.

Jeremiah 25 v 32  -  " Behold ,  EVIL  shall go forth  from nation to nation , and

a ' GREAT WHIRLWIND ' shall be raised up  from  the coasts of the earth "

Jeremiah 50 v 41   -   " Behold ,  A PEOPLE   shall come  from ' THE NORTH '  ( Russia ) . . . 

a  ' GREAT NATION and ' many kingsshall be raised up  from  the coasts of the earth "




In 2015 , enormous global events have only in recent weeks signaled the ‘ unmistakable beginning ’ of this long prophesied FINAL CHAPTER of divine judgment. As previously noted , 2015 has been a year of unprecedented and ‘ record-breaking ’ cyclonic storms world-wide. Among the most notable aspects of the 2015 season included :

1)  An extra-ordinary “ hyper-active ” Pacific Hurricane season ...  with the Eastern Pacific having an unprecedented total of 22 tropical cyclones , while the Central Pacific had 15 tropical cyclones


2)  The ‘ most powerful ’ hurricane  EVER RECORDED ... ( Hurricane Patricia - Category 5 - Winds to 200mph/320kph ) hit the small but densely populated nation of Mexico, yet miraculously and “mercifully” it caused no human fatalities !!


3)  Hurricane ‘ Joaquin ’ ... ( ‘ Joaquin ’ actually means “ raised of Yahweh “ )  This epic Category 4 storm decimated the Bahamas and while Joaquin remained well off the U.S. coast , the storm inflicted severe flooding across South Carolina - so catastrophic - that it was defined as a ‘ one-in-a-thousand year ’ event. Joaquin also caused the sinking of a cargo ship known as the El Faro, resulting in the deaths of the 33 crew members that were aboard.


But perhaps the  ‘ most remarkable ‘  weather event in 2015 was :

4 )  A ‘ Trio ’ of Category 4 Hurricanes
In late August  not one . . not two . . but three  Category 4 ’  hurricanes were active in the central or eastern Pacific Ocean at the same time.  As can be seen on this satellite image of the Pacific on the morning of  Aug. 30, 2015  these three Category 4 hurricanes  [ Hurricanes Kilo ( left ) , Ignacio ( centre )  and  Jimena ( right ) ]  were moving simultaneously across the Pacific Ocean in a  ‘ NEVER  before seen ’  phenomena that meteorologists and scientists called the Hurricane Train



This was the  ' first time '  in  RECORDED HISTORY  that this has  EVER  happened !!



So  WHY  was this ‘ historically unprecedented phenomenon ’ of multiple WHIRLWINDSsignificant ??


It is now historical fact  . . .  the VERY NEXT DAY  -  on  Aug 31, 2015  -   the  ‘ first news reports ’  began surfacing of a sudden and unannounced Russian military intervention into Syria with the deployment of air-force fighter jets and attack helicopters.  In other words , at the ‘ exact time ’ these  historic  WHIRLWINDS  were moving across the Pacific in unison , the dark and stealthy forces of Russia’s military were sweeping down into Syria !!  Despite initial denials from the Kremlin , within a matter of days and on a pretext of fighting the Islamic terror group ISIS , President Vladimir Putin confirmed Russia was indeed expanding its military presence in Syria for the first time in many decades.

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In addition to the aerial deployment , Vladimir Putin just four days later also dispatched the world’s largest submarine, the ‘ Dmitri Donsky ’  to the Syrian coast.  This fearsome submarine  ( interestingly code-named  “ TYPHOON ”  by NATO . . . not just mere co-incidence is equipped with 20 Bulva intercontinental ballistic missiles, with a combined capability of carrying up to 200 nuclear warheads.  The TYPHOONclass nuclear submarine departed from its North Sea base on September 4th escorted by two anti-submarine warships and headed for Syria in a terrifying display of military and nuclear force  -  a ' menacing ' signal to all nations  -  Russia would not be deterred in its mission to bring Syria back under its Soviet-style ‘ iron ’ umbrella.


All these ominous events occurring ( astonishingly ) in the  ‘ final 2 weeks ’  of the Jewish “  Year of the Whirlwind ”  -  herald the  ‘ first stage ’  in the fulfillment of a series of ancient bible prophecies concerning the ‘ end-times King of the North ( Russia’s Vladimir Putin ) and his long-prophesied descent into the Middle East that must begin with the occupation of the land of Syria formerly ruled by the “ ancient ” King of the North  [ Antiochus Epiphanes IV - Seleucid Empire - 175BC - 164BC ]

The Whirlwind of the LORD.jpg



It is evident from the many passages of scripture that God's plan in the last days is to judge the nations by using the " WHIRLWIND of the LORD ".  This judgment comes in two phases .  The first stage , Yahweh will use the invading confederate forces  led by  Russia's ' Gog ' ( Vladimir Putin ) to execute his righteous judgment by ' spoiling ' many nations in the Middle East . . . events happening now !!! . . .  & clearly foretold in  Jeremiah Ch's 49 to 51


In  Chapter 51  we read :


Jeremiah 51 v 47-48  -  " Behold the days come that I will do judgment  upon the  graven images  of  BABYLON ( Iraq )

&  her whole land shall be ' confounded ' 

&  all her slain shall fall in the midst of her  ( ALL fulfilled . . . in 2015 ) 


THEN  . . .  the heaven & the earth, & all that is therein, shall sing for Babylon ( Iraq )  :

for  ' the spoilers ' ( Russia + Iran )  shall come unto her ' from the north ' , saith the LORD. "

Jeremiah 51 v 52-53  -  " Behold , the days come , saith the LORD ,  that  I will do ' judgment ' upon her graven images :

&  through  all her land  the wounded shall groan.


Though  Babylon ( Iraq )  should mount up to heaven , and though she should fortify the height of her strength,

' YET FROM ME '  shall  ' spoilers '  come unto her ,  saith the LORD "

So we can see that in the same way God used the terror group ' ISIS ' to execute his judgment upon the ancient & idolatrous ' graven images ' in Iraq over the past year , likewise He will use the invading Russian confederate armies to judge & thresh the ' hostile ' nations that surround & threaten His people Israel.  We are assured of this in  Psalm 83  which describes the latter-day encirclement of Israel by its conspiring neighbors , bent on the destruction of the Jewish people.  Note however , the nature & description of God's impending  judgment to be brought down upon Israel's enemies.


Psalm 83 v 2-8  -  " For, lo , thine enemies make a tumult :  and they that hate thee have lifted up the head.

They have taken ' crafty counsel ' against thy people ( Israel ) and consulted against thy hidden ones. 

They have said ,  Come, and let us cut them off from being a nation ; that the name of Israel may be no more in remembrance


For they have consulted together with one consent : they are confederate against thee : 

The tabernacles of Edom, and the Ishmaelites ;  of Moab, and the Hagarenes Gebal, and Ammon, and Amalek ;

the Philistines with the inhabitants of TyreAssur also is joined with them "


Just a few verses on ,  the judgment comes  . . . 

v 14-15  " As the fire burneth a wood, and as the flame setteth the mountains on fire ; 

So persecute them with  THY TEMPEST,  and make them afraid with  THY STORM. "


Russia will be that ' storm ' ,  the rampaging  ' whirlwind '  that will tear through these ungodly ,  anti-semitic nations in it's own bid for strategic &  global domination.   However Russia will overstep it's mission , bringing a second wave of ' divine ' judgment  . . .





As the prophet  Ezekiel  foretells in  . . .


Ch.38v9 " Thou shalt ascend and come  LIKE A STORM ,  thou shalt be  LIKE A CLOUD  to cover the land,

thou , and all thy bands, and many people with thee. 

Thus saith the Lord GOD ; It shall also come to pass, that at the same time shall things come into thy mind,

and thou shalt think an evil thought "


The prophet  Jeremiah  as he gave voice to God's judgment upon the inhabitants of Jerusalem, also echoes this description of the latter-day Russian-led invaders in Ch.4v13 - 

" Behold , he shall come up  AS CLOUDS   &  his chariots shall be  AS A WHIRLWIND

his horses are swifter than eagles "

Russia's ' Gog ' will turn His confederate forces upon the Holy Land.  It will be a fateful decision that invokes the righteous fury of the Holy One of Israel , as He responds to the merciless persecution of His people.


Ezekiel 38v18-19  -  " And it shall come to pass at the same time when ' Gog ' shall come

against the land of Israel ,  saith the Lord GOD ,  that my fury shall come up in my face. 

For in my jealousy  &  in the ' fire of my wrath '  have I spoken . . . ."


As the LORD of hosts intervenes to save His people ,  the forces of nature will be unleashed upon the multitude of nations  -  led by Russia  -  that fight against Israel.  Old testament prophets Ezekiel  &  Isaiah  detail these devastating ' natural ' events  . . . 

Ezekiel 38v22   -  " And I will plead against him with pestilence & with blood & I will rain upon him,

    & upon his bands & upon the many people that are with him,

  an overflowing rain  & great hailstones , fire & brimstone.

Isaiah 29v6  -  " Thou  shalt be visited of the LORD of hosts with thunder & with earthquake,

        &  great noise , with storm  &  tempest,  &  the flame of devouring fire . . .

& the multitude ofall the nations that fight against  Ariel  ( Jerusalem ) ,  even all that fight against her,

& that distress her , shall be as a dream of a night vision . . .  so shall the multitude of

all the nations be , that fight against  Mount Zion  ( Jerusalem ) "


So we see the culmination of prophetic events foretold in Bible Prophecy over 2,500 years ago being fulfilled  -  both literally & metaphorically  -  in the  WHIRLWIND OF THE LORD  of the latter days , precisely as promised by God through the ancient prophet Jeremiah . . .

Jeremiah 23 v 19-20  - " Behold, a ' Whirlwind of the LORD ' is gone forth in fury,

even a  grievous whirlwind :  it shall fall grievously upon the head of the wicked . . .

The anger of the LORD shall not return , UNTIL  he have executed

&  till he have performed the  thoughts of his heart :

in  THE LATTER DAYS . . . ye shall consider it  PERFECTLY "

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